Thursday, December 28, 2006


It has been such a crazy week. We had a really nice Christmas and were able to spend time with both families, which was nice. But, the whole process of packing was looming. We packed a lot last week, but we needed to finish as much as we could, because my parents are picking up the moving truck tomorrow and they have to be out of the house by Saturday. They signed all the papers on Wednesday. My dad came home and said "well we are now without a home."

For whatever reason, I hadn't processed how hard it would be to pack up the house and everything in it. We moved here when I was a senior in high school, so I didn't "grow up" in this house, or this neighborhood, but my parents have lived here for the past 14 years, so I have spent all my adult life coming to this house. It is strange, tonight is the last night we will sleep here. Tomorrow will be the last time Lulu will feed the fish in my dad's pond. I cannot believe they are going to be giving up their phone number. So strange.

I guess I'm lucky that we live out of state and although it will impact us in terms of reducing the number of times we come to SLC (especially since we will now be going to Seattle), it won't be as strange as it will be for my sisters that live in Salt Lake or even for my parents. I really can't imagine picking up and moving after living in the same place for so long. TRAUMA.

Hopefully all will go well and they will be able to fit everything in the truck. I'm a little worried. I will say- the one shining point- I have been able to raid some of my parent's stuff. Now I just need to get it home. Yikes!


Jill said...

I didn't realize your parents hadn't moved yet. I was wondering where you were staying and why you didn't go to Seattle. I think it would be hard to see the end of an era like this happen, but it's also the start of a new era in Seattle so that will be fun too.

I'm wondering what stuff you scored from your parents. I have an old suitcase you can have if you need another one.

skbkmjfamily said...

Thanks for bringing up all the things that I really have been suppressing in my little mind. What I am finding hard is that even though we moved out of Utah 6 years ago, having mom and dad there in the house that I lived in for my high school years, the place I had my reception etc has always allowed me to say I am going "home". I was still connected to the place I had lived my whole life, and now well I feel like that is gone. I no longer can say I am going home, I am now going to visit the inlaws.

DANG, I knew I needed to get my butt down there to get some of the cool stuff. I knew that would start going after we got rid of the other stuff.

Love you guys.

Tasha said...

I can't imagine. Its got to be so weird. I am sure they will find some nook equally as homey in Seattle and that you will memorize their new number instantly.

On a totally selfish note, don't say you won't be going to SLC as often, you have to unless you are flying into Logan on a little twin-engine!

Kari said...

Now you're supposed to be able to keep your phone number when you move (just changing the area codes), so maybe they could still have the same number?

I hope you have a safe trip back home!!

Kari -- a friend of Katie's.

michelle said...

So sad, Lara. My parents have never lived in one house for that long, so my grandparents' house was like that for me, my home base. I will say that when I go home to visit now, it still feels like home wherever it is, because my parents are there and all my mom's stuff is mostly the same (she's always updating).

My grandparents sold their house a couple of years ago and that was my trauma. But when I went to visit their new house, it immediately felt like home. I hope that happens with you and your parents!

On the plus side, Seattle is just fabulous.

Amy said...

If I were in your situation it would be mush harder if my parents weren't moving to such a cool place! I would love an excuse to visit Seattle! Even still, I've been thinking a lot about where home is this year. Home, of course, is where my family is--my husband and my children. But home is also where ever my parent's houses are. When I visited my dad in November, though he'd just moved, I still thought of his place as home. For me, home is where ever people I love and want to be around are. It sounds totally cheesy, but it's also totally true!

Meggan said...

Thanks for making me cry! I guess I really was the only one who grew up from 8th grade on in that house. I went to the house Friday night to pick up the snowblower and as we pulled in Jeff made a joke about this giving me one more chance to cry. I walked up to the house and Mom was standing in the hallway. I lost it. I saw all of these things in the house none of which was our parents and it just made the water works flow. I can't believe that the home where I had so many memories is no longer home. I mean Jeff helped build that pond and we got married in that back yard.. I think even though you dont live here it will just be as hard for you as it will for us who do live here. Where do we have Christmas? Where do we get together for family events? Where will all the cousins go and play... Sorry I guess your blog did what Katie said and brought out all the emotions that I think we all have been suppressing...

amy gretchen said...

This has got to be hard. I know when my parents moved out of the house I grew up in I was in tears even though I was in college at the time. I have such memories of my home on ponderosa that it was hard to part with it. I can't imagine how hard it must be to now be visiting in a completely different state. I'm sure it will feel like home to everyone in no time.