Friday, June 13, 2008

5 for Friday.. All Lulu

1. Lulu had the much dreaded dental appointment this week, and everything went well. She was a trooper and was very brave.

2. On the way home from the dentist she kept poking her lips and saying.. mommy my teeth feel funny. She was hysterical!

3. Because one of her cavities was quite large they had to cap her tooth. She is very proud of it and calls it her "special tooth". I've heard her say repeatedly "hey, do you want to see my very special tooth? It is GOLD"(although it is really silver).

4. On Wednesday we went to see Kung Fu Panda and so we stopped at the grocery for some treats. I was in the check out line and did something, which I cannot remember, but Lulu asked me about it and I mentioned it was an accident. She said to me "see mom- accidents happen. Like when I accidentally peed on the floor- it was an accident and we don't need to get mad about it, because it was just an accident." What can I say.. I'm always learning from my baby girl.

5. Lulu did this hysterical Kung Fu Fighting dance the whole way into the theater. She would shake her booty and do Kung Fu hand motions. The people at the mall got a real kick out of her.


JG said...

I am so excited to see you!!! I can't wait to see Lulu's special tooth.

michelle said...

Eva had to get her two front teeth capped. Now they are bigger than the rest of her teeth -- we call them her movie star teeth.

I love it when my kids teach me something. So sweet. Perhaps a little video of her kung fu moves would be in order?

Libby said...

Sounds like you had as much fun as I did at the dentist. I took Jared last week and the dentist pulled me in to tell me they had to do a root canal. When Jared came out he asked if he got a crown (thinking the one you wear on your head) I gasped and said open your mouth and there it was. I had to explain to him what type of crown he got. I had a good laugh. Jackson calls it his BLING.

Bond Girl 007 said...

oh wow what a brave little is funny what she said about accidents, although sometimes at the moment they might not seem it!