Wednesday, December 31, 2008

America's Image Is In the Toilet (along with other things)

I came across this great article from Newsweek about America's poor image. Although I think part of the problem is that we are a nation of whiners (myself included).

Sort of related, but I did think twice about Newsweek when I saw the advertisement for their edition of the 50 Most Influential People. You know, Oprah is great, but has anyone thought that maybe if we would stop looking at celebrities as role models we ALL might be a little better off. Maybe I'm a little bitter, but I still remember the episode when someone asked how they could donate money to the school she was building. She responded that this was HER project and she wanted to do it ALL ON HER OWN. She suggested there were other places they could give money. Her argument was that she wanted to show what ONE person could do. I get her reasoning, but really...

(Wow, that seems a little harsh, but y'all know there are lots of amazing people out there that give and give, but don't have the star power.)


wandering nana said...

I think too many people in this country feel that they are DUE something and don't take responsibility for their actions... thus whiners. I too like Oprah but she seems to always make her public her generosity. I think the school was probably great, but how many smaller schools could she have help build in how many villages with the amount spent on that one big school.

jenny said...

I can't remember the exact date but for some reason Oprah is a major turnoff to me know.

I for sure think our country is a tad obsessed with celebrities, but I would be a hypocrite if I said I wasn't.

jenny said...

I meant now. Oops. Happy New Year!

Amy W. said...

I'm tired of Oprah . . . can we just move on already? Looks like you had a great Christmas, loved your beautiful card. Happy New Year my friend!

Carina said...

What does it say about me that my favorite part of that article series is the call for Americans to leave their fanny packs, abandon their sneakers, and reconsider their shorts when traveling overseas?

(That's what I thought it said, too.)

michelle said...

I look forward to an improved image for America.