Friday, December 19, 2008


Do you know what I hate about a thief? (I mean aside from the obvious.) They damage property AND when they make off with their loot they discover the backpack they just stole only has Adam's $300 text book inside it.

It goes without saying that Adam has learned his lesson and he will no longer leave his back pack in his car (albeit tucked under the seat so you really couldn't see it). I'm just thankful he left EVERYTHING home yesterday so aside from the ridiculously expensive textbook and his really nice backpack they got NOTHING (please insert COMPUTER with our life on it and his iPOD).

Yeah, that big dumb thief just suck rocks!


wandering nana said...

I'm glad they didn't get the other stuff. Will your car insurance pay anything on the book? How sad that we live in a world where people think they have the right to take something they have not worked for and have the attitude that they can take whatever they want.

Kaycee said...

I love your label, "Our society is seriously in the toilet". So sorry about the backpack and the textbook, but happy that's all they got. You'll have to tell Adam I heard a fascinating segment on NPR two days ago about religion in Russia. They interviewed a Mormon Bishop who talked about the difficulties missionaries are facing getting their Visas renewed. Apparently they have leave the country every 3 months for renewal.

Melanie said...

Well, at least they get away with financial stuff. I'm still trying to work things out after Mike got robbed in Belgium. So sorry.

Jordan said...

Man! I've got to warn Craig, he keeps a second apartment in his car (which tauntingly sits in the driveway).

Jill said...

I'm sorry, what a mess. I'm glad it wasn't worse though.

Jack Phillips said...

I am soooooooo glad your laptop wasn't in there.

Meggan said...

Wow that sucks. I am sorry. It is a horrible feeling to know someone got into "YOUR" vehicle and went through "YOUR" stuff. When Jeff's car was broken into I felt so vulnerable and I felt like someone had taken something very personal from me. Even though they took tools, radio and cd's it still felt like it was a little piece of my life. Just think though, they probably are thinking that it serves them right getting a book they probably can not even read! Sorry that was mean. hehehe

Tasha said...


Lucy said...

I am notorious for leaving valuables in the car. Usually I lock it, but I know that doesn't always deter would-be thiefs. Thanks for the warning.

Total jerks.

SpyderDoc said...

I have learned no lesson. brent, can i legally booby-trap the car? and what would the penalty be?

Anonymous said...

Total jerks to the extreme. I leave stuff in the car more times than I care to admit- this is a good reminder!

michelle said...

Oh man. My car was broken into, right in my driveway, too.

I'll never forget the feeling when our Paris apartment was broken into -- Marc's camera, laptop, ipod, and all my jewelry was stolen!

I'm glad it wasn't worse, but that super sucks.