Friday, January 23, 2009

Five Questions for Friday

1. Should I be embarrassed that two days ago I used my iTunes giftcard to purchase several songs on Jordan's "Nineteen for Nie" (the girl has mad mixed tape skills), but I also purchased the new Taylor Swift song Love Story? (Obviously she has seen Pride and Prejudice one too many times.)

2. Is it okay to take my kids to my girlfriend's house (we do a swap every friday with two friends), even though she called this morning and said her baby has a temperature? Sure we are going to drop off late, so the febrile baby will already be asleep, but I feel a little guilty letting her babysit all 7 (my two + her 3 + other friend's 2) when she has been caring for a sick baby.

3. Even though I'm on a spending hiatus, does it count that I purchased a plate yesterday, when said plate was a special ordered from 2 months ago?

4. Why do they make a Y incision when performing an autopsy?

5. Does anyone understand how they are going to explain why Izzie is no longer seeing Denny on Grey's Anatomy even though her "visions" are directly related to her supposed aneurysm? So is the aneurysm no longer "flaring", since he is gone? How does that make any sense?

and just for kicks

6. Can someone explain to me why I'm even trying to make sense of Grey's Anatomy in the first place? Furthermore, why I'm even WATCHING it? (Adam just sits and screams at the TV and usually moves to another room because it is SOOO ridiculous.) I mean really. Two weeks ago they had a plastic surgeon and an orthopedist performing a surgery (I think they were removing a gallbladder or something). I know, I know.. it isn't real, but if you are going to use real professions try to at least make it look credible. It is like saying a plastic surgeon is performing a heart transplant. Okay, maybe not that ridiculous, but it is close.

and just because I spent 10 minutes at the Coke machine

7. Why haven't they calibrated the Coke machines to accept the new quarters? Seriously- I just put $4.00 worth of quarters in the machine (and watched them return to the change cup) in order for $1.00 to be accepted.


Shawna B. said...

Ah, the great mysteries of life! No, the plate doesn't count. Backorders never do. And Jordan's Nineteen for Nie is a masterpiece. Seriously, how does she know all those artists? I kind of just stick to James Taylor (which is right and good), but her Nie mix is getting me to expand a bit. Think I'll go hop on itunes and purchase a few as well!

Emily Busath Murdock said...

I downloaded from Jordan's mix today, too!!! How ironic!!
And don't watch Grey's Anatomy, watch Scrubs. At least they poke fun at reality, not try to make ridiculous plots look realistic!!
(My Adam runs from any show that features doctors in any setting...he can't stand them, either)

Amy said...

Except that Denny is supposed to be around until the end of February--unless that was just a ruse developed by Shonda Rhimes to throw us off track. I don't know why I'm following Grey's because even though I'm not a doctor, nor am I related to a doctor, I still know it's stupid.

Libby said...

First off I have Grey's recorded and haven't had a chance to watch it so thanks for telling me about the epsiode, second I'm must say I thought it on the ridiculous side for the 2 doctors to be operating together and I have no medical background, by the way I'm so sick of the intern chasing! I don't think Suze Orman would approve of the purchased plate and I thought you were supposed to be off "the juice" unless you were getting a sprite with those quarters. sorry for the rambling but I've been sitting in an airport for 6 hours and my flight just xxld. the woes of a commuter.

Libby said...

Sorry my post sounds a little more negative then I realized. To clarify,
j/k on the episode thing, I'm smarter then I thought on the 2 doctor thing, just listened to an hour with Suze Orman at the airport, and I wish I could have a Diet Coke right now but have lost the acquired taste.

Jill said...

I like Taylor Swift.

I think the Friday night kid swap is a needed thing, so if the baby was just feverish and not full-on sick (i.e., projectiles) then I would have dropped my kids off too.

Special ordered plates don't count as spending now.

I didn't know they made a Y incision when performing autopsies.

I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy after the first episode this season. It's weird really because I'd been excited about it, but then somehow felt bugged by it. Also, I heard about some of the story lines and just didn't care anymore. Weird.

wandering nana said...

So were you screaming at the coke machine?
Are you crazy, didn't the T just get over being sick... would you want to tend 7 children if you had a sick child? I can't help you with Grey, which by the way, thanks for sharing what's going on.... as I have Dish Network and the station that shows ABC decided they want more money and Dish is refusing so... I DON'T GET TO WATCH GREY'S OR ANY OF THE OTHER SHOWS I LIKED!!!!!! I'm confused why the download is wrong...didn't you pay for it or is she breaking the law by selling the mix.... hmmm

wandering nana said...

Oh, when did they realize Izzy had an aneurism? I've asked myself the same question about the orthopedic doctor. I wonder if they were going to get rid of her but decided to keep her. She's done this several times.

michelle said...

Now I have to go check out Jordan's mix!

Your plate definitely does not count.

After watching Grey's last night, I am asking myself the same thing. I'm sick of Izzy and Denny anyway.

amy gretchen said...

I would have downloaded Jordan's mix if I didn't own all the songs already. Apparently we have the same taste in music.

love the swapping kids idea. I am not put off by a fever so if she's good with it I say yes.

there are new quarters? Am I missing something?