Monday, February 09, 2009

It's My Life and I Can Cry If I Want To, Cry If I Want To..

We made it home.

I'm currently blogging from work (don't tell my boss)- which is why the post is sans pictures. Why am I blogging from work?

Because we are STILL without internet at home (since January 26th). Long story short- we tried to switch carriers, which required us to cancel service. Unfortunately the new company is "claiming" we aren't close enough to the telephone box (ours isn't by our house, but a couple of blocks away) to receive a decent signal. Nice. I just wish they would have told us this LAST WEEK when Adam spent 9 hours at home with the ATT guy. We are now waiting for our DSL to get reconnected. Hopefully by tomorrow, otherwise our DVR will also stop working.



amy gretchen said...

I hate not having the internet at home. At least you have work to check email and quickly blog. I remember when this happened to me years ago I would go to the library just to surf. Hope it gets figured out soon.

Jill said...

Internet woes are the worst! When they hit me I feel lost.

wandering nana said...

Welcome home dear.

Amy said...

No Internet and no DVR? I don't think I could survive such calamity! Hope it gets worked out soon.

Kathryn said...

Which explains why you haven't sent me a picture. I went to look for the album yesterday and couldn't find one, but then again, not quite sure what I'm looking for. Sorry.

michelle said...

Oh dear. I'm addicted to the internet, too. And DVR.

SpyderDoc said...

we should get that U-verse thing.

Lucy said...

Losing the internet seems almost obscene these days. I hope it gets back to you soon.