Friday, April 17, 2009

Five for Friday

According to some friends (you know who you are), my posts are a little long winded. I really tried to keep it short, but I have failed. So, for those of you with a short attention span here are the cliff notes.

1. BLATANT plagiarism
2. Catcher in the Rye
3. Tate lecture
4. Lulu's birthday
5. We have lost our prized stuffed animal.

If you are interested in any of the topics, please continue below.

1. You HAVE to read this. Its almost too shocking to even mention, but I have been laughing about it quite a bit today. I would be soo embarrassed.

2. Catcher in the Rye.. CHECK. I'll admit, after posting about my utter disdain for the book, I actually quite enjoyed the last 50 pages. I still think it speaks more to teenagers or people working with teenagers, but in the end I can see it has some redeeming qualities. (I was shocked by how it ended.)

3. We attended our last Tate Lecture Series. After seeing Azar Nafisi and Tony Blair last year, and the Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art this year, I didn't think it could get any better. Enter: Her Excellency Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the President of Liberia. Not only is she the President of Liberia, but she is the first female Head of State in Africa. Prior to the lecture we were able to view a documentary made during her first year in office (it was made by a Liberian journalist). It was nice to have a little background going into the lecture. Our seats were immediately next to the section coordined off for the "Members of Liberian Community". This made for an interesting viewing experience, because they were very vocal about certain areas in the movie and weren't afraid to express their opinion. It was rather refreshing. The lecture was AMAZING. I would highly recommend reading about her. She truly is an inspiration.

4. We are getting ready for Lulu's birthday celebration. I cannot believe my baby is going to be 5. I'm completely stealing THIS party idea. My amazing girlfriend made invitation for the party and I found little wooden apples for the kids to take home. (They are actually hollow so you can put trinkets inside the apple.) We are just going to play low key games and maybe do a little apple bobbing. We will see how it all pans out.

5. Lulu has misplaced her bear. It has been missing since Easter Sunday. She took it to our Easter dinner at Ms. Carrie's house, but we haven't seen it since. The other day she said

Lulu: "Mom I've got the best idea. Why don't we go back to Ms. Carrie's house and have another Easter dinner and then I will remember exactly where bear-bear."
Me: "Wait, so what you are saying is we should do the whole thing all over again and you think it will help you remember where you put him?"
Lulu: "Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying" (while she gives me the thumbs up sign).

She cracks me up.


Carina said...

Thanks for the link--and Lulu sounds like such a hoot!

Hammy said...

I've basically cleaned my entire house and can't find it anywhere. I think she is right and we just have to do Easter all over again.

Kathryn said...

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (sp?) just had her memoirs published, no? There was an review about it in The Economist recently, she sounds like a facinating woman.

Jordan said...

My luce gives me the thumbs up sign, too. so endearing.

brent said...

I don't object to the length of your blogs, just the frequency.

Natasha said...

Okay, I just may have to steal that apple idea as well. . .

Emily Busath Murdock said...

I can't get over the whole plagiarism fact, I saw it all and saw your comments there, before I hopped on over to your blog to see if you mentioned it. Who in their right mind thinks that they can do something like that--and get away with it?!?!?!
But let me tell you, if I ever rip off a post from someone's blog, it will probably come from your archives. So watch out ;)

Ryan and Rikke said...

I didn't say your posts were too lengthy. I just said I skimmed through your last entry because I was too lazy to read it all. I like your posts because you're always clever in what you say.

Hope you didn't get offended.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Lulu is going to be 5 either!!! I need to make a list of all your great book recommendations! thanks for being such an avid reader and sorting out the good from the bad!

Meggan said...

OH NO! Lulu's bear... Maybe it is in the wash waiting for you to run it so he can be clean. Love and miss you guys

michelle said...

I cannot believe the plagiarism thing! Outrageous.

And #5 made me smile big. That is classic!