Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We celebrated Lulu's birthday last week. I saw a darling party idea on this great website and decided that we were going to forgo a princess party and instead do something a little different. Although I paired it down a little, I really didn't change much. I owe this girl a huge thank you. She deserves all the credit. I just followed her lead and figured out how to do it on my budget. Everyone loved it and Lulu thought it was the coolest party ever. We played games in our tiny backyard to keep the kids entertained. We flew planes, bobbed for apples, played "pin the apple on the tree" and balanced apples on our heads. We kind of flew through the games, so the kids played a rousing game of duck, duck, goose and freeze tag to end the party. It was pretty awesome.

The bags contained caramel popcorn. We made apple lemonade and had "5" cookies. (The "5" hanging from the chandelier were actually from her actual birthday, but she insisted I leave them up for the party.) We also had a ridiculous number of green apples for all the kids to munch on. I was surprised, but they enjoyed the apples a lot more than the caramel popcorn- go figure?

Isn't this cake amazing? Everyone should have a Central Market in their town. I took a photo of what I wanted the cake to look like, and this is what they did. I was going to make it, but it was a huge relief when I discovered how cheap it was to just buy it instead.

These were the little take home gifts.

Inside each box was a package of apple jelly bellies, a caramel apple sucker (all the way from Boise, ID. Kaycee rocks!!), apple laffy taffy's, an apple air head, and a little wooden apple. Inside the apple we added a little note saying "thank you for coming. love. lulu" We also gave the kids an airplane to take home.


Emily C said...

very very cute. my favorite color combo of the moment is green and white. love it! and i added that party planning blog to my reader. thanks for sharing!

Hammy said...

It was adorable! The pictures don't do it justice.

(It kind of made me feel like a very lazy parent for not doing anything cute for my kids' birthdays.)

brent said...

You gave the other kids presents? I thought it was Lulu's birthday. What am I missing?

wandering nana said...

Turned out really cute as usual. Glad you posted pictures. I love the table like that. We have a Central Market... I really need to check it out and see if it is the same. Can I see Lulu in the dress? Don't forget picture of both of you in your skirts.

Tiffany said...

Too cute! I too feel like a lazy parent now, thanks a lot! I love the take home gift, it beats plastic insects and dumb dumbs. Good work!

christie said...

What a cute party! Love the take homes...especially the little wooden apple. You thought of everything.

Meggan said...

Seriously that is the cutest party theme ever. I love it! You did such a great job!

Jordan said...

I LOVE Central Market, and yes, everyone should have one nearby. I am jealous.

Darling party idea.

Mary said...

yea. thanks. :)

Shawna B. said...

Oh, Lara Alder! You party mama, you! What a great shindig! Absolutely fabulous ideas - so creative and fun. I wish I were Lulu's pal and was invited and munched on apples and ate that awesome cake and left your home skipping along with a cute little green bag of party favors. I applaud you!

michelle said...

Adorable! And those are some seriously great links. Now where did you find the wooden apples??

Natasha said...

Great party idea!

Bond Girl 007 said...

ohhh lara you have the cutest kids...they are darling they are like dolls! you are a doll. i love the cake, i love the decor, I love parties! I am still need to do my little one's birthday party he turned six in april....because of finances we are still waiting....the other one will be 4 next month...maybe we will do a twin party for them......cute cute pictures1!