Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Killing Me Slowly

In my quest to complete the Big Read List, I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. Maybe it is a book you should read as a teenager, because it is killing. me. slowly. Seriously. In the last few months I have been a book junkie, but after picking up this little baby, it has completely killed every single ounce of joy I have recently experienced while reading.

I'm in a bit of a quandary over the whole issue. I could put it down and move on to a book I'm actually interested in reading, but my bookshelf is filled with half read books. Also, I've made a goal and I'd like to stick to it. Even if it means finding out why Salinger insists on writing such an unlikeable character that RAMBLES on, and on, and on. On the other hand, why am I so fixated on reading a book that is painful for me to read? Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose? I'm certain my life will be just as fulfilled if I move on. I also have 20 books sitting on my nightstand screaming "pick me, pick me" every night when I climb into bed.

Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I felt the same way when I read it a couple years ago! Oh man it was killing me. Read the last two chapters or so and call it good. It isn't worth the slow death.

Lucy said...

I've never read it. I see those lists and agree that some of the books mentioned should be read, for basic fund of knowledge sake. This probably falls into the category, but it certainly hasn't ever made it onto my library list.

good luck. I know the pain of suffering through a book to make a point of finishing. It definitely slows down my mojo sometimes.

Amy said...

Haven't read it, but I've finished lots of lame books out of sense of obligation. I usually end up speed reading the end, though.

Shawna B. said...

There is a part of me that says, "Stick with it. Don't quit now. Finish what you started." But then the other part of me says, "Why? It's a book, for pete's sake. If you don't like it, put the thing down. It doesn't mean you're a failure, it just means you changed your mind. You are too busy to invest in something that isn't working for you."

So there you go, Lara. I'm no help - both sides of me!

Tasha said...

I loved that book! If its killing you, read something else! That list is just list...

Amy W. said...

Push through baby! When you finish it you will feel like you accomplished something. AND find some Cliffsnotes or help on line--it will really help you get some insight. Just finished Faulkner's The Sound and the the Fury. Painful at times, but completed it and am proud of myself. And you know what, I really love it now. Then move onto one of those just crying out to you. OH, just finished your Same Kind of Different as Me. Really great--thanks!

Meggan said...

I have gotten that way with books but I just pushed through it. All of your book shelves in your house made me want to get some. We went and bought one and I have filled it up already and am waiting for another bookshelf to put in my soon to be finished room. Stick with it... you will appreciate all the other books you read that are amazing.

michelle said...

Hmm. That's a tough one. On the one hand, I hate to put a book away unfinished. But on the other, I want to read things that are pleasurable to me on some level! And I think those lists are pretty bogus -- I don't know that every book on there is worth reading.

Now I know (reading backwards) that you did finish it, so good for you!