Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Party Goers

The kids each decorated their own apple to pin on the tree.

While we were busy pinning our apples, these two decided to "sample" the apples we were going to use for the apple bobbing game.

A couple of the kids were willing to put their heads in the water. Can you see the sampling Ted and his little friend did pre-bobbing?

This little girl was a die hard. She did it about 5 times. She insisted on plugging her nose each time.

When the kids saw you had to put your head in the water, only a few were interested. Everyone loved this approach.

One of the little boys won for the kids and our friend Nicole won for the adults. Blast you Nicole.

It turned out to be quite the balancing act. Some of the kids thought that the apple bites (courtesy of Teddy) were hampering their abilities.



Kathryn said...

Looks like fun. I'm laughing that I can tell who the kids are from the back of their heads.

Jen said...

Loved the party! You're such a pro.

JG said...

I love the pictures- especially the one of Teddy.

Meggan said...

Your pictures turned out awesome. You really can see the difference in your photo's. Keep it up! Love you.

wandering nana said...

So, did Teddy try bobbing for apples? I can just see him doing tht. Looks like a fun party.

Anonymous said...

what a CUTE apple party theme!!! Your table looks so cute and the take home gifts were so creative and fun! I still remember the first time I had one of those carmel apple suckers---we were living in NO and my mom brought some in her on a visit---yum!

Megan said...

Bobbing for apples! The world needs more of that. It's been so long since I've dunked my face in water hunting for fruit. Very cool.

Ryan and Rikke said...

I'm slow on checking blogs and commenting, so you're getting this about a month late. What a cute party idea! Also, I'm sorry we missed out on the crawfish boil. We were on our way over when the downpour started. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys soon.

By the way, I think it's time to update the blog.

michelle said...

I love the apple-bobbing pictures!

Shawna B. said...

Hey Lara! I just found out that your cousin, Mike Watson, is in our ward here in Draper! Great guy with a wonderful family. It was fun to make that connection. Tasha told me you are going to be in Utah in July - I'd love to see you!

Hope you had a great time in Portland! Of course you did ... how could you not?!

Hammy said...

Since it looks like you will never write a new post again, I'll just go ahead and congratulate Adam on graduating here. (I can't seem to get on his blog.)

Way to go, Adam.