Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coming out of the Water

I've been gone a VERY long time.

It was somewhat of a self imposed exile, but also a bit out of necessity. Too little time, too many commitments, too little to say, blah, blah, blah.

But, I think I'm ready to come back. I'm not even sure anyone will care, but I'm happy to be back at a place that I actually WANT to blog.

My life in a nutshell.

My favorite picture. It is quintessential Rebecca to me.

1. Portland, Oregon May 2009

I love my NOLA ya-yas. You can see all of Jordan's beautiful pictures here.

2. Adam's graduation from his residency program June 2009

7 years. 7 long, arduous, exhausting, frustrating, amazing, life saving years. It was amazing to see all the years come to fruition with Adam's graduation. It was bittersweet. Because of crazy events it was a little more bitter than it was sweet, but everything worked out in the end and it was nice to celebrate with his graduating class and the faculty that have had such an impact on our lives.

We were also lucky that not only did Adam's mom and my parents attend, but his brother Dan came too. Adam and Dan are ridiculously similar. They are actually the same age for about a month, so I always refer to them as Irish twins. (I think that might be offensive, but I'm not entirely sure?) Dan is in the army so he isn't always able to make it to everything he wants. We felt very fortunate he was able to make it. We took him to the stockyards and ate a ridiculous amount of meat.

3. Work, work, and more work. June 2009
Because I was going to be gone the entire month of July I had to make up all my time. I felt like I was working ALL THE TIME, but it was nice to get a paycheck in July/August without stepping foot in my office.

4.Lulu's summer activities and Ted channeling his inner dancer. June 2009

Art day at the museum

Practice before dance class

Teddy getting down. Please note he begged and pleaded to wear the leotard.

Annual blueberry picking trip

5. Driving to Utah as seen through Lulu's eyes

Nothing too exciting.


michelle said...

You're back!!

I adore the photo with the rain boots.

Graduation from residency is HUGE!

Love the dance photos. Man, I need to get Eva into dance.

Amy W. said...

Welcome back and congratulations Miss Lara! You deserve every bit of relief and goodness that comes your way now! Finally, the end:) Dreaming of Portland now!

Hammy said...

glad you finally have something to say. Taciturn doesn't suit you.

Kathryn said...

Welcome back. We missed you in the big D!

cara said...

I'm thrilled you are back! :)

M Boudreaux said...

Thank goodness! Your postings were missed....and the great photos of the kids (esp. one of Teddy in a leotard!)

wandering nana said...

I've missed reading about your days.

Jill said...

I'm glad you're back! I noticed you commenting on a couple blogs so I thought I'd come over and check to see if that meant you were posting too. Woohoo for that.

How great is it that you could make up your hours and then have a month off work?!

How funny, the word verification is "tedized".