Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Driving to Utah: A Photo Essay

The drive from our home to Utah is long. 19 hrs and 46 minutes to be precise. We saw some awesome things along the way.

Just outside Amarillo is the "Stone Hedge of America" (I'm not sure which moron coined the phrase. It seems a little ridiculous to equate stone hedge with this baby, but to each his own.) It is a line of Cadillac cars sticking end up. We didn't have spray paint, but luckily I had a package of window markers in the car so we used those to leave our mark.

We stopped in Albuquerque for the night. The next day we headed over to the Natural History Museum.

Ted thought the dinosaurs were awesome but refused to get in the picture.

He loved the fish tanks too.

Lulu is like her dad she loved the microscope.

On our way to Moab we passed by Shipprock, NM.

I took a lot of pictures from the car.
We weren't going to go to the Four Corners because it added about 1 hour to our time, but decided that was crazy.

We have been frequently reminded that the actual monument for the Four Corners is in the wrong place, but according to Adam, it isn't because the government of the United States of America says so.

We arrived in Moab. The following day we thought a hike in Arches National Monument would be fun.

We hiked to Delicate Arch. We couldn't borrow a backpack for Ted, because all our friends were using theirs, so Adam elected to put him on his shoulders. Luckily we packed enough water because in the end it was a bit further than we had anticipated. Lulu was a trooper and hiked the WHOLE THING on her own. She even helped with the rock stacks at a few spots.

We realized we forgot to get a picture with her bear, so Lulu and I hiked back a bit to capture these babies:

It wasn't until we got in the car and Lulu fell asleep in the first few minutes that we realized our error. We took her on the STRENUOUS 3 mile hike instead of the 1 mile hike we intended. No wonder she had a melt down the last 1/4 mile.

Luckily we saw some awesome lizards and a really cute couple chatted with her for a bit. Adam quickly got back to the car, because Ted fell asleep on top of his shoulders so he was carrying him the last 1/2 mile or so and the sun was beating down on him.

We loved our trip and will most likely drive to Utah next July too.


Tasha said...

Its amazing what the littles can do isn't it! Love the pictures of bear!

michelle said...

Great photos! My favorite is the one of you in the side mirror.

Jill said...

That drive sounds like a serious commitment, but it's cool that you stopped at these sites along the way. I'd like to do that some time, but we're always rushing to get where we're going so we can take advantage of Randy's days off.

everything pink! said...

my parents live right by shiprock, that it is my home country.

are you guys done? are you moving to utah..