Thursday, August 27, 2009


She LOVED her first day of school, but refused to tell us anything.

In honor of her first week as a BIG Kindergartner, I thought I'd list some of my most recent favorite things about her.

1. She sings Don't Stop Believing at the TOP OF HER LUNGS. She prefers the Glee version.

2. She is trying to use "big" words. We have recently heard her say appropriate, interrupting, and awesome.

3. Here is an example of her using her "big words" . "Mom, please stop erupting me." Adam and I laughed.

4. She refuses to wear pants, so we had to get crafty. Wednesday is heretofore declared as "pant day". On said day she is required to wear pants. She tried to change it this week, especially when she realized it was the next day.

5. She has asked for the same lunch for the past 4 days: tuna fish sandwich, 3 oreo cookies, Horizon chocolate milk, carrot sticks, and raisins.

6. She looks adorable in her giant backpack.

7. She recently learned to do the monkey bars all by herself.


Jordan said...

This made my cry. She is wonderful.

PS sometimes I feel like I "erupt" my kids, too.

michelle said...

How adorable is that last photo?!

skbkmjfamily said...

She is one awesome little girl.

Can you believe how fast they grew up.. I hate it

Jill said...

She's so darling!

Today I was babysitting Eva, and as we played dinosaurs she said she was "indivisible" so I couldn't see her.

Tiffany said...

So Cute! Sophie will not wear pants either. I might have to try the once a week thing with her too. I have always thought that LuLu's eyes are the window to her cute soul.

wandering nana said...

Do ya think her back pack is big enough? I started to laugh when I saw it.... it looks as big as she is. Still can't believe she and Maryn are starting school.

Tasha said...

Evie wouln't tell me anything either! I think this is the beginning of a trend, unfortunately! Can you believe our bebe's are in kindergarten???

Kathryn said...

She and O aren't in the same class are they? That might be too much.

amy gretchen said...

i love when the backpack is almost bigger than them.

She's so adorable. How come I didn't realize she was megans age.

Jen said...

Totally love the giant backpack.
Lulu, you're awesome. (But Savannah says you like to be called Tallulah.)