Sunday, September 06, 2009

A few notes from my head

1. This past week Adam and I were chatting and he commented that we no longer do a lot of the things we once did. I asked him to explain and he said:

"Well, we no longer take pictures. I no longer blog. You blog, but very infrequently. We no longer ask people over for Sunday dinner."

I was shocked. He was completely right.

Note to self: take more pictures, more Sunday dinners, and more blogging.

2. Adam tried to surprise me with a fancy "Holy crap we are finally done" gift, but I'm too impatient and nosy. He knew I was obsessed with this amazing Utah artist, Melissa Peck. She actually lives in my in-laws neighborhood so I invited myself over to meet her and see the pieces she was working on for her solo show. After much discussion and a whole lot of back and forth, this beauty arrived on our doorstep. I'm a HUGE believer in original art and this piece was just IT for me.

3. We are preparing to celebrate this little guy's birthday this week. He has grown leaps and bounds in the last 6 weeks or so. The other day he was trying to recapture his balloon in the car and I overheard him say "c'mon balloon" whilst trying to coax it back within his reach. A few minutes I heard "got it" and I looked back to see him smiling like he was the king of the world. Which, if you are wondering, he is in our little world.

4. Can someone please give me some pointers on surviving school?

a) The paper- my word the paper is just about doing me in. I swear I have two folders filled with paper and I don't feel like I can throw any of it away.

b) The meetings, coffee's (evidently a VERY popular thing in Texas), volunteer opportunities, Sally Foster (do y'all have wrapping paper you have to sell?), and schedules is enough for me to throw up my hands and give in. It is freaking Kindergarten people!

5. We had our pictures taken while we were in Utah by the very talented Ashley Thalman. I've posted a couple of them, but if you want to take a look you can go here. I wanted a Southern feel to it, with a little bit of Texas thrown in (hence the seer sucker jacket on Ted and a firearm for me and Adam).

And yes, that is me protecting the family. It was such a fun shoot. I can hardly wait for next year.


skbkmjfamily said...

I love your pictures..

Really the big T is already two.. I love when you can start to understand them

School.. I thought I had it together than school met Maryn who I have found is a perfectionist when it comes to drawing, homework takes us way too long.

Papers: Each of the kids have a folder. My rule, their first handwriting paper I write it on the back date keep, their first perfect score keep, than anything that has their words, thoughts, journaling, any body part (used their hand to make something) goes in the folder. Everything else is tossed. If I am not sure it goes in the folder, about December I go through it and toss more. If I love the picture they did but too bulky, I have a picture folder. I hang it up for a week, season, than i take a picture of it and toss it. Each of the kids than has a little tote that I stash these beauties in for them to take.

I hate paper, love my kids but I don't need a thousand drawings or them practicing their handwriting. I also take the last page of the year that has their handwriting if it improved and write the date.

I have photo albums that will be theirs to take called School of life, this is where I put those things that i kept for the year/ easy.

Sometimes I think I am a little too organized, but I despise clutter and paper.

Amy said...

Gorgeous pictures! That's something I really want to do this year.

But really, the reason I felt compelled to comment is that I love Melissa Peck and I'm so envious that you have one of her paintings! It's beautiful. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Heidi said...

Love your pictures! Love the gun! So cute. Yes, I agree completely about kindergarten, the fund raising, the papers, everything. I just don't know what to say about it. It's terrible.

michelle said...

I am totally cracking up over you holding the gun. I could never do that!

Yes, the school papers can really do me in. I just throw most of it away! I do have files to keep my favorite, original stuff. Sometimes I take a picture or scan artwork.

Hooray for getting your original artwork! And for more pictures and blogging and Sunday dinners. It's so easy to stop doing things you used to do when life gets busy with the kids.

Lizzy said...

You are freak'n hilarious! I love the photos. Very Nie inspired. My favorite was Teddy holding the red balloon looking at the camera with everyone's back turned. And you and Adam behind the umbrella. Darling!
About school: Keep a few papers that you LOVE, toss the rest. My oldest is in 3rd grade and I kept everything from Kindergarten (big mistake) and now she won't let me throw any of it out. (I throw stuff out when she's at school...she'll never know!) And you can totally go crazy with all the volunteering, fundraising, donations, blah blah blah that they ask you to do. Pick a couple of things that you want to do and ignore the rest. I don't even do the sally foster anymore.
Good luck!
Liz D.

Jill said...

I fully support Adam's notion that you blog more often!

The pictures turned out so great. They're very cool looking and humorous while stylish.

School papers can get overwhelming so I try to sort through them immediately so they don't pile up. Our school is trying to go Green so they've cut down on what they're sending home this year, woohoo!

Tasha said...

I love you! Love the pictures!
I throw most of the paper away. She has a tupperware bin type thing that she can keep things in, but we clean it out to put her faves in an album.

I'll come to sunday dinner anytime. We NEVER have people over anymore either.

Jen said...

Lara, I will always love you for being just exactly who you are. That gun picture is out of control...and totally fantastic. You're awesome. (And I'm so glad to get some heads-up on kindergarten...yikes!)

amy gretchen said...

i love that the pictures reflect your humor. Darling and lulu eyes are beautiful.

Melissa peck is so talented. What a score.

Natasha said...

I'm with Michelle - scanning is the way to go for stuff you can't part with.
Gorgeous pics and of course I love the seersucker!