Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Giant Surprise

My dad called me several months ago. He was waiting in line to buy tickets for the play Wicked for my mother's birthday. He had a little proposition. He would buy me a ticket to see the play, along with my mother and three sisters, if I would fly in and surprise her for her 60th birthday. Of course I agreed. After all, it is her 60th birthday. All five daughters were on board, now we just had to keep it quiet. As amazing as this sounds, albeit with a few near misses, we were able to keep it under wraps. On Wednesday night we all flew in about the same time and surprised her.

My parents showed us around their town. We went to the beach, did a little shopping, ate lots of seafood, perused the wares at Pike's Market and went to see Wicked. It was a nice weekend and I'm so glad we were able to surprise my mom.



All dressed up for the play

Driving onto the ferry (my dad is a bit of a crazy driver so I commandeered the car. It was better for everyone involved. Especially the sisters that experience motion sickness.)

Deception Pass

Collecting rocks

Deception Pass- where the rivers and the ocean meet**correction


Jill said...

What an awesome surprise for her birthday, and how fabulous to have a weekend like that without kids and husbands!

wandering nana said...

Thanks for coming. It was a great time and soooo much better than a party. (FYI-it's where the ocean meets the rivers.) The house is so quiet now "{

michelle said...

What a fun surprise! Fun for everyone involved. I want to see Wicked, and I love trips that include women I love and no kids...