Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Our own little Knufflebunny

Lulu had a scare.

We went with friends to the arboretum last week and she took her bear bear along. We laughed, we played, we ran, we jumped, and we even threw a few pumpkins.

We left a little early to get her ready for the first of her two Halloween parties.

It wasn't until hours later that we realized- where was bear?

We looked in the car, the bag, the stroller, everywhere it might have been.

She SWORE she gave it to someone, but couldn't recall exactly which someone.

A frantic phone call to friends generated this response:
"No she didn't give it to me. But, when we were walking in Hayden (her daughter) said 'mom look, Lulu has a bear just like that one.'" I got the exact location and prayed it would be there the next day.

Lulu cried herself to sleep. Snuggling a paper cut out of the bear bear she made me days before.

We arose early the next day- armed with donuts, a promise we would "look everywhere we went yesterday" and a heartfelt prayer.

"No we haven't had anything turned in." said the lady at the information booth.

So we started to walk to the exact location bear was spotted the day before. I watched as she ran with high expectations, only to see her shoulders slump in defeat. Bear wasn't perched atop the pumpkin. It broke my heart to see her deflated with sadness.

But.. wait what was that? A small something sitting behind the pumpkins on the ground. Could it be? Could we be so lucky? Why yes, yes we could. Kissed with morning dew sat a much beloved bear.

Note to self- keep better track of bear.

Note to other parents- sure it is darling when your kid gets attached to some special little something and because it warms your heart so, you cultivate the love of this little object. But remember there might come a day when that little something gets lost and unless you had the foresight to purchase the EXACT SAME something you will have many lonely and sad moments. It's cute and all, but could, quite possibly, be the death of you.


Amy said...

Oh, the drama.

rebecca said...

I love Mo Willems.
Lucky for you, a happy ending!
(I've never purchased a duplicate. Have you?)

TX Girl said...
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TX Girl said...

Rebecca- No. Although this little drama makes me wish I had.

Amy, I know. And you know the little drama queen I have. Just like her mother.

wandering nana said...

Poor Lulu. I can just see her with her slumped shoulders and her "sad"walk. Glad you found it. No luck here finding a twin.

Tiffany said...

Sophie has MeMe, an elephant that she has had since before she was one. I laughed at this post because just last night the beloved MeMe's ear was torn off! (by her brother, it was hanging by one thread but he felt so bad.) Her face has something that I don't want to see again. Sadness beyond belief. It was fixed before bedtime, but the thought of losing MeMe turns my tummy. I'm so glad that LuLu found bear. (and you too!)

Cheri said...

Grace has Duck and when she attached to him, my mom had the foresight to purchase 2 more for her. It is great for secretly switching out to wash them or for the night Grace got sick but Duck "magically" got washed in 5 minutes to comfort her! The key is to get them attached to a toy that is a well known name brand so its easy to find back-ups!

Tasha said...

I love knufflbunny (you gave me that book), I love LuLu, and, well, you know I love you!!!

Jill said...

Hooray for the return of the bear! That was a close call.

michelle said...

Whew! So glad you found Bear.

As soon as I saw that Eva was becoming attached to a certain blanket (age 10 months), I ran right out and bought a duplicate. I thought it would be awesome, I could wash and rotate them. At the time, you couldn't even tell them apart. But she would never, ever, accept the duplicate. And now we have a new, pristine one, and one that is in tatters and full of holes...

Kathryn said...

S lost puppy one night a few years back. It was a ROUGH night. When we purchased N a dog this summer, we bought two, short hair, black (all quite planned for durability)but he has attached himself to the one S bought that day instead, which is white, and we only bought one.

christie said...

So glad you found it! I understand a child's love of an object... Will's is with his blanket! He'll probably take it with him on his honeymoon. My niece loved a stuffed animal too. Her mom ended up buying a few of them in case such circumstances presented themselves!