Saturday, January 09, 2010

I was getting rather sick of my last post.

  • I had a dream I deleted my blog last night. I either need to come to terms with it being a mommy blog or delete it all together. I'm just not sure I want to severe my blogging ties. Although I'm a pretty reluctant blogger already.
  • Ted is in desperate need of a haircut. His hair has moved from the "cool" phase to the "get that kid a haircut" phase. But, doesn't he look 1970's awesome in this photo (this was about a week before he moved out of the "cool" phase).
  • I'm very proud of my Christmas card this year. We got lots of sweet phone calls and notes about it. Now the pressure is on for next year! Although my cousin commented "it isn't often you see a firearm incorporated into a Christmas card".
  • I haven't had a sip of Diet Coke in over a week. In order for me to give it up, I have to completely stop cold turkey. I've noticed that I only really crave it when I'm stressed.
  • Adam got me a North Face down vest for Christmas. It has come in handy these last couple of days. We have barely gotten above freezing. My blood is too thin for these kind of temps.
  • My hopes have been squashed. I thought I would be able to go with Adam to San Diego (he's taking his oral boards) for a couple of days to see one of our favorite families, but alas, I have no one to watch my kids. I've tried about everything but it seems like the timing stinks. Sometimes it sucks to live so far away from family.


skbkmjfamily said...

Can you get them to Idaho? I would be more than happy to take them for a few days. Hmmm... I do have a free ticket I have to use before February since we did not add any points to our account.

Email me when you are trying to go, mom told me and I forgot. I am serious about sending them this way.

Jill said...

I was wondering if you were ever going to blog again. I hope you don't opt to delete your blog!

Ted is such a handsome kid.
We loved your Christmas card this year.
I had to go cold turkey when I quit diet Coke and haven't had even a sip since because I'm afraid I'd get sucked back in.
I hope you find someone to watch your kids so you can go to San Diego.

Amy said...

Deleting your blog? The horror!

Love the pic of Ted, love your thoughts, love keeping up with you in an impersonal electronic way. I'd watch your children if there were some feasible way.

michelle said...

That photo IS awesome in a 1970s way! Love it.

"it isn't often you see a firearm incorporated into a Christmas card" -- pretty much just what Marc said! And he loved over all our other cards.

Sometimes it really does such living far away from family. And occasionally it's kind of nice, too. I hope it works out for you to go with Adam!

wandering nana said...

I'm sorry, sweetie. I wish everything wasn't the same time. I would like to have come and helped. I wish I could drive and pick them up and head to Nebraska with them. Keep blogging.... how else do I get to see what is going on and the "cool" pictures of the kids. Ted looks so grown up.

M Boudreaux said...

Your Christmas card was well-received in Baton Rouge.....The design is fabulous.

Maybe your cravings are fizzy beverages? When stressed, I, too, crave a specific fizzy beverage -- La Croix club sodas (different flavors like lemon, lime, grapefruit, cranberry -- all natural, no sweeteners, and sold at Target).

brent said...

I think that you look upon "mommy blogs" with such disdain is a little sexist.

TX Girl said...
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TX Girl said...
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TX Girl said...

Brent- actually I don't look at them with disdain. I just wonder why every conversation always reverts back to "this is my kid..." But, I guess you write about what you know. For this space, I think I'd just rather find a good middle. Some about our days, but also a little about my interests, views, things out there, etc..(because you know I have them). I don't know if I have the inclination to make it anything more than what it is right now. And I just don't want to produce more when I'm not sure more is really necessary. (Especially if it is done poorly, which is my case.)

Jordan said...

This is my theory: if you're a mom and you blog you're a mommy blogger. There is no way around it. We must accept this.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! (and one from your mom!)