Saturday, February 06, 2010

Daring to define a hero.

Are you looking for something amazing to read? Breathtakingly amazing? If you are, head over to read this. I think I've reread it at least 10 times over the last two days. I've cried each and every single read.

**I'm also smitten with the artwork included. I've got my eye on at least a couple of the prints for Lulu's room.


karey m. said...

i CRY every time i read it, too! and it's not even because it's my SISTER!

i think it's because the power of love guts me every time. right?

i feel lucky to have known her. lucky to have someone like you read her story and be moved by it. means a lot, you know. xoxo. and thank you.

wandering nana said...

Thank you sweetie. This was such a beautiful story. I hope she prints it in a book, because I would like to buy it.

shawna b. said...

Oh, I love this. Absolutely beautiful. Lara, thank you for letting me know about this - an inspiring way to start today! Now, if that very talented author would just print it in book form ... it would make the perfect gift.