Friday, April 16, 2010


1. Ted and Adam on Toy Story 2. Lulu's sustenance was Churros 3. shell shocked Ted 4. a quick partial family snap while Ted was asleep 5. riding the rides 6. ANOTHER Churro 7. Stroller parking was our nemesis. 8. me and Lulu on the worlds shortest ride, but longest line 9. cab from Monsters Inc. 10. wonder how long that paint job took? 11. Ted hated 3-d glasses 12. Awesome Ferris wheel

Adam had to take his oral boards in San Diego this past February, so we decided to make it a family trip. We love heading to San Diego because we get to visit one of our favorite families and we always make a little time for Disneyland. My sister, Libby, just happened to be heading to Disneyland with her 8 year old and 2 foreign exchange students the same week, so we coordinated our schedules and got to spend a little time with them. We have lots of pictures at Disney, so I decided to take along my Fuji Mini to spice things up while we were in California Adventure.


Emily Busath Murdock said...

Oh, I'm so jealous of your trip! I'm hoping we can make it there next spring. And LOVE the Fuji Mini pics.

Jill said...

It's so great that you get to travel so often.

michelle said...

Fun! You can't really blame the girl for subsisting on churros, if that option is available. My little ones would do the same. (Those things are dang good.)

amy gretchen said...

This could be your Disney version of 12of12. I love it with the fuji mini. I want one so badly.

Nice that Adam's trip could be all of yours. Love when things work out like that.