Friday, April 16, 2010

Words with Friends

Listen, I love my iPhone apps. I even included my newest obsession in my 12x12 for April. However I do have a Cautionary Tale because of said app:

Don't tell your uber smart friends that you enjoy playing the game "Words with Friends."
They will sucker you into playing with them and after 5 1/2 rounds they will be TROUNCING you with a score of 88 to 149. And suddenly you will realize you aren't as good at playing it as you once thought you were.


Amy said...

Happens to the best of us. I'm currently being trounced, 200 to 337. I swear she's taking tips from this guy:

Jill said...

That game sounds dangerous.

michelle said...

That DOES sound dangerous!

As much as I love words and word games, I've never been that good at Scrabble. I don't think my ego needs another hit.

Stephen said...

then you play me and totally redeem yourself.