Tuesday, June 08, 2010

For someone that really isn't a big fan of George W. Bush, he has occupied my blog waaay too long. I know. I've been away. My kidneys are sick. After a kidney biopsy and lots of doctor appointments we have a plan. We are hoping a little cytoxan will do the trick and make them happy again. Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer.


Tiffany said...

I hope you are ok! I will be happy to say prayers for my great friend TX Girl. Take care!

Heidi said...

I was a little sick of seeing GWB too! I'm so sorry - please know we are thinking/praying for you. xoxo

michelle said...

Well there you have it. Apparently if I'd been keeping up, I wouldn't have been in the dark. I hope the chemo really did the trick.

Jill said...

I've checked your blog numerous times this summer and saw that you went private and I wasn't invited, hence no comments from me. Michelle told me it wasn't private anymore, so here I am.

I'm sorry your kidneys are sick, I hope it isn't painful.