Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Happy Birthday Francis

It has been a blistery, crazy weather day in Texas. But, it seemed rather appropriate because it was also the little man's birthday. Ted made a rather crazy entrance into the world and he is a bit of a tornado on a regular basis. It seems only fitting that three years later, on the that he was born, we had a real tornado touch down in our city.

In honor of his birthday I wanted to tell you a few of my favorite things about him.

1. Star Wars

Ted saw Star Wars a couple of months ago with Adam. He wants to watch it on a regular basis, but we always try to watch it with him. This morning when he asked to watch it and I expressed concern that I didn't have time to watch it with him, because I needed to get ready, he said "don't worry mom, I'll just sing along".. and began singing the Star Wars theme.

On our recent drive to New Orleans, Ted, Lulu and I discussed Star Wars from Lafayette to Baton Rouge. His pronunciation of obi-wan-kenobi is priceless.

2. His sister

Ted adores his sister. He loves to follow her around and do everything she is doing. But, he also likes to torment her too. Ted would be glued to Lulu's side all the time if he could. She finds it annoying at times, but it warms my heart. He likes to watch out for her and will make sure that everything is fair. If we listen to his song in the car, he will immediately say "okay, Lulu's song is next."

3. Clothing

Ted loves to pick out his clothes for the day. He is very particular about his pants and prefers to wear short pants over long pants. His favorite pair of short pants are for a 12 month old. We finally had to take them away. He also loves to wear Julius t-shirts. Thank heavens Target stocks them.

4. Pictures

He HATES getting his picture taken. He will smile for you, but only for a quick second and then he is gone. When he isn't in the mood, he makes it known.

5. Talker

Ted is unbelievably verbal for his age. It isn't always nice words, but we are working on it. He is also very polite.

This morning we asked him where he wanted to eat for his birthday and he said "Chuy's". As we were driving to the restaurant, we asked him if he was excited to eat at Chuy's he said "of course."

6. Music

On any given day Ted will ask to listen to Beyonce's Single Ladies. However, his favorite song is My Doorbell by the White Stripes. He calls it the Boom Boom Song.

Happy Birthday my little man. I'm thankful you are mine, every. single. day.


Emily said...

Happy Birthday Best Friend! love Bobby


Hammy said...

Happy Birthday to most talked about boy at our house. I am told regularly that C is "in love" with Ted.

Meggan said...

Teddy is the best. I love this little man!

Jill said...

He sound hilarious!