Tuesday, January 04, 2011

On the List for 2011

Total Eclipse by Adam and Lara
Dec 20-21, 2010
2:16 am CDT
(worth the overslept alarms and groggy work day to see Lulu and her soul sister Olive basking in its glory)

-find a job. Him, not me. scratch- he does have a job just not in his field. wait. scratch that too. he does have a job in his field, but he is grossly underpaid. find a real job. too mean? too blunt? find a job as a pediatric surgical attending. better.

-less shoulda, woulda, coulda

-re commit to regular workouts.

-a little less consumption of the sweet nectar. (who am i kidding- i can't outright give it up, but i can reduce)


-less moaning, wailing, and gnashing of teeth

-more laughter (2010 really sucked). more laughter! better.

-more thoughtful spending

i always get a little carried away with this whole resolution business. at the end of the year i'm always found wanting. always. maybe this year i'll learn to "keep it simple, stupid."

these seem simple enough. right?


Hammy said...

An update from Girlie Girl?? 2011 is starting off great!

wandering nana said...

It will get beter.... good list.

Amy said...

I like how one of your resolutions is for somebody else. And how the first time I read "more thoughtful spending," I missed the "thoughtful."

For the record, Paul only had one resolution for 2010 and he nailed it: "Eat more candy." Several 10-pound boxes of sour patch kids delivered by Amazon helped. And his weight has held steady at a solid 145. Honestly.

Tasha said...

I got simple too! It was so good to see you and I think that all things considered, your wailing and moaning and nashing off teeth was pretty minimal as to what it could have been. I love you sista!

We are a part of a happy family said...

those are great. nice on the nectar business. that stuff is just sick. maybe you should refrigerate the stuff and consume less??

the list is inspiring and definitely realistic. good luck. i'd love to laugh more (together of course--it is easy to do.)

Jordan said...

right. i think these are great. i'll go skydiving with you.