Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 12x12

1 i bought tickets for the play at the middle school. they put on a few of them over the course of the year. the students do a fantastic job. 2 hanging at the park with my friends. i love these girls. 3 my girlfriend just had her 4th bebe a few weeks ago and i'm helping her out by picking up her kids from school. there is a bit of a break between kindergarten and 1st/2nd grade dismissal so we are hanging out waiting for the other kids. 4 my day. 5 ted and lulu enjoying their dessert- strawberry ice cream. 6 the roses outside our door are blooming. i love the springtime. 7 i fell a couple of days ago and really did a number on my knees. both lulu and ted have similar injuries. 8 walking to pick up the kids from school. 9 playing at the park. lulu is awesome on the monkey bars. 10 ted wanted to take his trains outside to play. 11 my kids can easily identify a ferrari. i'm certain it is because we see this one almost everyday. it might also be because adam is a car guy. 12 lulu and her friend olive at the park.


jenna said...

Oh, your poor knees. That looks painful. I love the last shot in your 12. Very beautiful.

Meili said...

I love your 9th and 10th photos. It's so great to see glimpses of children in their own world.

Lee said...

What a wonderful day! I envy you the lovely weather :)

amy gretchen said...

lara i can't believe your knees! It's amazing the amount of time you are waiting--so nice of you to be helping your friend out.

My kids notice cars too because of their "car" dad.

Emily said...

Cute- wish I were there at the park with you guys. I'm gonna do my 12x12 now too!

Miranda said...

Your friend is very lucky to have you! It looks like you had a lovely day, sorry about your poor knees!

The Editor said...

how do you do a 12x12? Where does this come from? The idea? I'm lost!

Tasha said...

Your knees look so ouchy! How did you fall? Take care !