Wednesday, January 07, 2009

5 because it is my blog

1.We have been weathering the craziness that is Texas weather.  Two days ago we had ICE on the trees and today- it was a pleasant mid-60's.  We took a lovely little stroll after I got home from work.  It was nice.  However, I'm desperate for some consistency.  It wreaks havoc on my joints.

2. I actually went to my rheumatologist the other day and competed with my little ones for his attention.  Before we even got to his office I tried to get Lulu to understand that it was very important for me to talk to my doctor and she would have to be patient and wait her turn to talk to him (he always makes her balloon people).  She did well for the first 5 minutes, but all my pleading and instructions obviously fell on deaf ears, because within 10 minutes she commandeered the conversation and all the attention.    I promise next time I am getting a sitter and going ALONE.

3. We have been cooking out of Everyday Food this week.  So far we have had:

Rice Bowl with Shrimp, Snow Peas, and Avocado

I loved the first dish.  The second was good.  Not a huge fan of the last dish.  Too much ginger.

4. I've actually made it to the gym everyday this week.  Yippee for me.

5. After sitting down and looking through iPhoto, I realized I have not ONE photo since Auntie and Uncle Jake left.  Sad, sad news. I'm making a concerted effort to pick up my camera after this ridiculous and unexplained hiatus.  shesh!


Amy said...

Hey Lara, thanks for your email the other day. I'm going to reply, I've just been running around like crazy this week.

What a sad state of affairs when a trip to the doctor feels like a luxury? I love going to the doctor alone. I can actually read a book when the wait is long. I can think clearly and ask all of the questions that I need to ask, etc.

I'm bummed that you didn't like the rice bowl. It sounded so good! But I would have thought the rice and avocado combination would be the off-putting part. Those textures just seem too disparate for my taste!

Jill said...

That is a bizarre swing of weather you're having, but the thought of 60 degrees and being able to go for a walk sounds wonderful. We are in a snow and ice-covered mess right now so going for a walk would surely result in a broken hip. I like to hibernate at home, but I always feel a little bit trapped when it's like this.

Congratulations on going to the gym every day this week! I need to come up with a plan I'll actually do now that my women's only gym has closed. I don't want to go to Gold's.

TX Girl said...

Seriously I actually go to Golds and I felt like that for a little bit, but now.. I don't care. I just plug in my headphones and get to work. Also, if you go during the working hours it is usually empty.

michelle said...

I love it when you post recipe links!

Tasha said...

You are NOT selfish! Good for you for cooking out of Everyday Food and for going to the gym. Whatever you do to take care of yourself means that you can take better care of the people around you.