Wednesday, January 28, 2009


There are many things I like that are frozen. Whenever I'm in NYC I always get a Froozzen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity (not a great restaurant, but a great dessert). I quite enjoy ice cream and other frozen delights. However, I do not enjoy frozen weather. Currently we are experiencing RIDICULOUSLY cold weather. Today it got just above freezing. And when I say just above, I mean just. Per it is now 37 degrees. I realize those of you in chillier states are scoffing at my plight. But, in my defense- 5 days ago it was 78. AND not only do we have freezing conditions, but the cold weather was accompanied with rain. Rain + 25 (temp last night) = ice storm.

The ice storm did not come as a surprise. The weathermen had been threatening it all day. So, last night I lay snuggled in my bed playing solitaire on my iPod and watching mindless dribble. My girlfriend called to tempt me out of my comfort and attend book club.

"No thank you."
"But I'll drive" (earlier in the day, while exercising at the gym, we discussed whether or not book club should be canceled. I thought it should, but she thought the weathermen were being dramatic.. where is Mark Eubank and his white coat when you need him?)
"I'm already in my pjs."
"I'll come and pick you up."
"No thank you."

I refused because of the brewing weather, but also because I'm currently boycotting everything. I'm stewing. Nothing big, but better to be unseen than remembered for a verbal outburst.

1 hour later the rain started. Hard rain and lots of it. I was happy I wasn't coaxed out of my warm bed. Obviously they were not being dramatic.

This morning EVERYTHING was canceled. Adam, the littles and I stayed cozy in bed until just after 9 am. We watched as the local news tried to fill THREE hours worth of airtime (they pre-empted the Today Show) with a compilation of the "Hazards of driving", "Why SUV drivers are dumb when it comes to icy conditions", and "What not to do with ice on the road." We laughed hysterically at the commentary and prayed for it to end. Lulu finally fled, but not because of the TERRIBLE news coverage, rather "hurt feelings" which were a direct result of Adam not letting her sit on him. She was easily coaxed back with the promise of a secret whispered in her ear. (I would have taken a photo, but my toes were cozy.)

Luckily it will only last for a day. Tomorrow it will be 60.


Hammy said...

Book Club was fun and we arrived there and home safely. Should have come. . .

brent said...

"Currently we are experiencing RIDICULOUSLY cold weather."

I'm assuming you mean something less silly by this, like "ridiculously cold weather for the location." Otherwise, it would almost seem like you hadn't grown up in among the "greatest snow on earth" (or whatever it is you Utahans like to say) and you actually thought that 32-40 F was actually chilly. Because that would be very, very silly.

On a related note, Kaycee said you wanted me to comment more. I hope this makes you happy.

TX Girl said...

Carrie I have no regrets about book club. I'm still boycotting.

Brent, It is ridiculously cold. Especially in relation to what the temperature has been over the last couple of weeks.

FYI I haven't lived in Utah for 11 years. All of the 11 years were spent in warmer climate states. Also, 25 is chilly regardless of where you grew up.

I take back my comment to Kaycee.

wandering nana said...

It's the drastic changes in temperature that usually causes the colds everyone gets, plus cold in Utah is a lot different than it is in the states that have humidity. The cold of Utah never really bothered me but it really does in Seattle. I didn't buy an electric blanket until we moved here. Stay in and stay warm.... there are always more book clubs to attend.

Mary said...

Loser. Shoulda come, then we wouldn't have talked about you.

TOTALLY kidding. We didn't. We only mentioned your name when there were 3 totally different conversations going on, only one of which was about the book. We mentioned how it probably was good you weren't there to witness it. But then we actually all ended up discussing the book for a majority of the time.

I guess I'll see you when the boycott is over:)

Jill said...

I would not be keen on the wild swings in temperature either.

You're stewing over something eh? Now I'm curious.

Amy said...

I'd like to be present for a verbal outburst from Lara.

michelle said...

Well, a drop of 40 degrees will definitely make you feel ridiculously cold!

Your reference to Mark Eubank made me laugh! I can't stand it when the local news makes a huge deal out of nothing. I remember when it snowed -- an inch or two -- the first year we lived in Seattle. It was covered on the news for HOURS! Oh, and when we had a mild earthquake that didn't really cause any damage, same thing. They were actually showing stores where shampoo bottles fell off the shelves, etc. because there wasn't actually any NEWS! Good grief.

michelle said...

Hang on a second here! I'm SHOCKED not to find a post about the Inauguration on your blog...

Meggan said...

I have witnessed Lara in the cold and I have also been present during many verbal outbursts... It is not pretty. Sorry it is so cold. I hate the cold also and I do live in Utah but that doesn't mean I have to like it. hehehe Can not wait to see you and the family!

Jordan said...

I enjoyed this little vignette/commentary very much (:

We're also quite chilled out here but sunday promises 60 degrees, too.

christie said...

Hey! It's your long lost neighbor! I feel your pain about the cold weather. When we lived in Nebraska the cold felt much colder than the cold here...I guess that's what the humidity does. I have had the "January blues" as well...thank goodness it's now February which means one step closer to spring.