2. The State of Texas spent $2 MILLION dollars installing cameras on the border so that viewers at home could watch and report any suspicious movement to the border patrol. So far it has netted a whole 3 arrests in a little over 6 months. And guess what, even Australians are getting in on the action. I just love seeing my tax dollars at work. FYI it was your tax dollars at work too. The whole program was paid for by a federal grant.
3. We had Dave and Tasha in town this past weekend. Dave was busy with his test, so I took it upon myself to show Tasha around town. We did a little shopping (blast you for ruining my 6 week run at not purchasing any unnecessary items), ate a ridiculous amount of food, froze at the arboretum on the one and only cold day they were here, and did a little crafting. Okay, to be honest, Tasha did a little crafting and I tried to clean up my messy desk space. When Dave finished with his test we took them out to see the sites. We also took them to all of our favorite restaurants and even had a rousing evening playing Rock Band. However, we did not take a single picture. What is wrong with me?
My favorite moment was while we were getting pedicures and Lulu demonstrated what she would do when she got older and brought her own daughter to the salon for a "girl date".
Promise y'all will come back.
4. Teddy fell on his face. He tries to run all the time and his little legs can't quite keep up with the rest of him. He falls quite frequently, but this is the first time he used his face to stop the rest of him.
5. Not only is he a bit of a klutz, but he is a ridiculously messy eater. This is what he looked like after his first day in nursery. I'll admit I was a little unhappy about the whole situation, especially given the fact that he has 1 church outfit. But, I'm willing to take some of the blame- we did not tell the nursery leaders that we have to strip him down to his diaper when we feed him. Luckily after 3 washing cycles, 1 soak cycle and an entire bottle of Shout it looks good as new.
I remember another person who seemed to be accident prone...hmmmm she had to wait for a drivers license because of accidents. Poor little boy...
Poor Teddy! You are more persistent in the laundry department than me. I would have given up on the outfit after 2 washes. Maybe he'll have to strip down in Nursery for snacks and/or art activities. How was the Recissionista party?
I think it's okay for nursery to be messy, but I can't imagine any nursery leader serving something red. That's asking for it.
Poor little Teddy! Oh my goodness! Glad you had a nice visit with Tasha and Dave. Sounds like you all had a great time!
Okay, speaking of "buying votes" isn't that what Obama is doing by promising to help keep people in their foreclosed homes (these people who could never afford to be in them in the first place) I mean, good gracious, isn't that what he is doing - buying votes (with taxpayer money) and punishing those who have been responsible at paying their mortgages? At least Romney didn't use government funds but his own PAC. You knew I had to comment :D
It's true - we are leaving. Not far though, just to Lakewood. I thought you were there on Sunday to hear my scattered farewell testimony? That's what happens when I get put on the spot. The condo sold a lot more quickly then we thought, which is surprising in this market. Since we were getting what we wanted from it, we couldn't say no. We've been scrambling for the last month to find somewhere and tie up all the loose ends. And by we I really mean I, because you know Ryan hasn't been that helpful. We actually move next week. It'll be nice to have a house, although I'm sad to leave the ward. Hopefully you won't drop us just because we moved. By the way, love your blog. Very clever. Sorry to ramble on for so long.
Teddy's sad little face! And I agree that nursery leaders should know to avoid red edibles.
How fun to have the Adams visit! I can't even believe you didn't take ANY pictures.
I never did get the appeal of Mitt Romney.
Hahaha Wandering Nana is so on the same page as me. I was going to mention the accident of you stepping on a tooth pic when there was pretty much only one on the floor and you out of all people would step on it. hee hee poor t I want to give him kisses. Yeah! I get to in a week plus.
OUCH! Poor little man. That looks like it hurts! I chuckled when I saw Meggan's mention of the toothpick...how random was that accident? You were a trooper though...makes me hurt just thinking of it!
We will be back! Count on me next Spring, when it is ACTUALLY spring! I want some more of that BBQ. I seriously gained 5 POUNDS IN 5 DAYS there! Too much of a good thing is, well, too much! I did go to the gym twice and will go back in the am!
I miss Texas. It was great. Poor Teddy...that looks like it hurted! Oh my, there are too many millions going around as of late!
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