Monday, March 09, 2009

My Life in a Nutshell

Teddy has decided that if I'm not going to post on my blog, he will do it for me. Isn't his nose disgusting?

Although I've been completely neglecting my blog, I haven't been neglecting myself.

  • I signed up for an online photography class w/ Candice Stringham through Jessica I had no idea I could change my shutter speed. I'm seriously pathetic. It has only been a week, but I've enjoyed playing with my camera and learning about what it can really do. My pictures aren't great, but at least I got the shutter speed correct.

  • I'm terribly embarrassed at the number of books I've read on the Big Read List. I mean REALLY embarrassed. I'm trying to correct the matter and read the bulk of the books recommended. I just finished Anne of Green Gables and A Town Like Alice. OHHH A Town Like Alice- I can't say enough about this book. I'm sure y'all have already read it, but if you haven't I would HIGHLY recommend picking up a copy. It reminded me of my other favorite book Mrs. Mike. I also finished Hunger Games (fantastic) and Girl with A Pearl Earring (for bookclub). I just picked up The Five People You Meet in Heaven and I need to finish Palace Walk. I'm really enjoying this little reading kick I'm on.


We have had ridiculously nice weather for the last week or so, so we have been enjoying the outdoors.

Teddy ate his lunch in the go bug because he wouldn't stop running off.

A bike ride and lunch in the park

My mom and sister are coming for a visit tomorrow. We have several fun things planned around town (Fossil Rim, the Tut Exhibit at the DMA, the arboretum). Hopefully the weather will hold out.


Emily Busath Murdock said...

Hey, if you find that after your online class is over and you still have questions, let me know. We can get together and get out our cameras and go shoot! Sometimes actually being one-on-one in person really helps, and I'm always happy to help people learn to take better pictures!!! Plus photography is one of my favorite things in all the world, and I love to do it any chance I can get, especially when it's for fun and not for work!

Jaclyn said...

Cute pictures!! Increase your ISO to about 200 or 300 to let in more light and they'll be perfect! Good luck with the class. I took the exact class in the fall and I learned a lot. FYI-copy and paste all of the lessons into a word document and print them off. I still read her lessons on a weekly basis.

TX Girl said...

my ISO is already 200. I think it was a shadow issue. I can't do 300 on my camera- unless you know how and can teach me. We have the same camera.. I think

Emily Busath Murdock said...

The ISO on the Rebel that you have goes to 1600, so you should be able to increase it past 200. And if you're printing your pictures relatively small (smaller than an 8x10) you can increase your ISO to at least 800-1000 and not have any obnoxious grain in the picture. (you might have heard the term "noise."
Anyway, if you increase your ISO you shouldn't have any problem, even if she's in a shadow.
Have fun!

Jill said...

I'm on a bit of a reading kick lately as well and I love it. I wish more of my titles were from the Big Read List, but oh well. I need to read A Town Like Alice soon.

wandering nana said...

No the weather didn't hold out. Cold and rainy( I thought we left Seattle already!) but.... still having fun.

Melanie said...

Teddy is so adorable!!

Meggan said...

I hope the weather gets better also so I can go pet the Giraffe I have been waiting a lifetime to pet :) I love spending time with you and your family!

Jaclyn said...

Oops. I meant 400. Did you buy the 50mm lens she recommended to buy? It's only $75ish and it will allow you to do settings the stock lens won't. However, it has no zoom which can be a bit annoying. I think it's made a big difference though.

christie said...

You're kiddos are so cute...I showed my mom your blog & she got a kick out of it. She says that Teddy looks just like you when you were little! Have fun w/ your Mom!

Jordan said...

Our girls have all the same dresses.

michelle said...

I love that you're on a reading kick! That always makes me happy. A Town Like Alice reminded me a LOT of Mrs. Mike. I don't remember Palace Walk being on that list...

I have that 50mm lens that one of your commenters mentioned and I love it!

Mitchell Family said...

What is the Big Read List? Why don't know about it? Of course I've read those books, but still fill me in.

Carly said...

What kind of camera do you have? I am starting to shop around and it sounds like this one's a good done.