Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Guess who I saw at the arboretum today-

Can you tell?

She was really gracious and posed for my sister. The funny thing- in less than a week, this is the SECOND time we have seen her out and about (the other time she was crossing the street). Hello- secret service, shouldn't you try and be inconspicuous while you are protecting Mrs. Bush? Why are you wearing suits in 80 degree weather- walking around a garden? You stick out like a sour thumb. We were actually laughing when we first got there about the freaks in the suits. It wasn't until later that we realized they were secret service.


Lucy said...

So fun. I'd love to run into Laura Bush. She's really pretty. What a fun surprise to your day.

Cheri said...

It certainly sounds like Laura Bush is everywhere in Dallas. All you guys (Cathy and Jen) are writing posts on her or maybe you are just all hanging out together.

That's funny about the secret service. What a bummer for them to wear those hot suit coats all the time. They are in Texas now not DC!

Heidi said...

So cool! After all, she IS your neighbor :D Maybe a neighborhood BBQ is in order LOL!

Mitchell Family said...

Oh you think your so cool, well the current president is in my state right now--only a couple hours away. Seriously, that is very cool, I bet you'll keep bumping into them. And oh how I miss the arboretum. Ruth

TX Girl said...

Ruth- You KNOW I'm cool.

They are doing storybook playhouses for Dallas Blooms. They built a gigantic Jolly Roger for Peter Pan, a dragon for Eragon. It is probably one of my most favorite blooms.

Ashley Thalman said...

I get really really star struck and I probably would have passed out. I have always thought she was extremely classy.

Lizzy said...

I keep telling my parents we should move back to Dallas, but will they listen? No! That is cool. I miss the arboretum too.:(

Jen said...

Love the pictures!
I'm going to be on the look-out for her now!!

Jenn S. said...

So funny - no sightings here yet. Were people all excited or was it sort of "no big deal"?