Monday, February 16, 2009

Do you post even though you don't have pictures to prove it?

You know it is a sad state of affairs when your husband comments
"Wow- it's been a long time since you posted on your blog."

I wish I could say it was because my internet is still down, but that would be a lie.
  • Thankfully we were restored last week after several phone calls. It feels good to be among the living again. Although yesterday I just discovered I am only receiving email, but not sending. Luckily my genius bil (with the help of my equally genius husband) took control of my computer from freaking Utah and solved the problem. So, if you receive some random email that seems to be days late- mystery solved.

Possibly because I've been reading a book. But, that would be a lie too.

  • I've been staring at Glass House, Goose Girl, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Hunger Games and Palace Walk for a bit. Some longer than others. I'll get to them. Instead I've been reading blogs I missed during my internet mishap and catching up with long lost friends on Facebook.
How about taking pictures? Nope.

  • I haven't picked up my camera in weeks. Wait- I did for a short time last Friday at Lulu's Valentine's Day Party, but lost interest and STOPPED. I'm lazy. I'm also disenchanted. I take really bad pictures and until I make it a priority to learn how to properly use my camera.. I'll probably continue to be disenchanted. I know- poor logic.
Need something interesting to post about? Possibly.

  • I haven't had any really big blog worthy events. I use blog worthy events loosely. I'm all about documenting, but do I need another photo or us going to the arboretum? And, if I didn't take any photos, is it still worth writing about?

  • My life has been remarkably boring. This was evident last week when I went to dinner with a group of friends and when asked "what have you been up to," my response was "nothing." Of course this was followed with "how are things going?" To which I replied "fine." I certainly wasn't trying to give short one word replies, nor was I trying to hide anything. I've just recently realized my life is sometimes one word responses.

Are any of these blog worthy sans photos?
  • Creating fancy Valentine sweets for Lulu's friends and classmates. Okay- I agree, this one is probably blog worthy regardless of photo.
  • Experiencing a gloriously sunny day at the Arboretum with a handful of friends and leaving with a refilled spirit and a sunburn. Although enjoyable- I have about 1,000 photos of me and the kids at the arboretum.
  • Enjoying a delicious dinner and a completely bizarre play about the Book of Genesis with some girlfriends. I'm still traumatized by the loin cloth Adam wore. Now wait- before someone makes some "CLEVER" remark .. I mean the Adam in the play. No pictures allowed. I'm trying to get it out of my head.
  • Spending Valentine's Day with a post call Adam and my littles. We made heart shaped pink pancakes, vacuumed the car in anticipation of Dave and Tasha's visit and took afternoon naps. The heart shaped pancakes were a little scary. Does anyone really want a photo of us vacuuming our car?
  • Delivering Valentine's Day Cards and laughing hilariously while Lulu unsuccessfully doorbell ditched each and every one. I was just laughing too hard to catch a photo.
  • Having a date with Adam on Valentine's Day. We saw Coraline (love it) and went to Target. (We had a fancy dinner a month or so back and decided after we spent a little too much that we should count this as our Valentine's Day dinner and call it even.) Regardless of how lovely it was, I just wasn't going to take photos.
So there you go. They are all important and fun, but are they all blog worthy without a photo? Evidently yes, since I just blogged about it.

**Wait- I did alienate a few friends this week AND posted a crazy comment on a friend's blog. Is that blog worthy? Remember- it doesn't require photos.


Tasha said...

Totally blogworthy! We went to this Thai restaurant for Valentine's Dinner, we both ordered dessert and the server came out to tell us, in broken English, that because we ordered 2 desserts they were going to take our picture,so this man came with his personal camera and took our picture and then in a matter of minutes we had this goofy VAlentine's Day card from the restaurant. I didn't even bring my camera, so I guess it was good for documenting...
So glad you have internet again and so glad I am going to see you in a couple of days!

wandering nana said...

So....... what is your secret to get bil to work on your computer and not get your sis upset with you? Guess you are the favorite.... "] Why are you getting your friends upset?

Libby said...

You still blog way more then me with or without pictures.

Mitchell Family said...

Blogworthy or not, it is always good to hear what you've been up to. Ruth

Bond Girl 007 said...

I love how you put bold font and then not....I am glad to hear you loved coraline....i have been dying to see it, and nobody wants to it is on of the first kid movies I want to see and they seem not interested, i think my 5 1.2 thinks is a girl's movie, which it is, but still I think he would love it, he loves the night mare befre christmas...I am just going to take them without any mention where we are is that cute boy doing...I just can't get over his blue blue blue blue's eyes...ever

michelle said...

What?? Now I want to know more about alienating friends! That sounds blogworthy...