Wednesday, October 07, 2009


While I was in Seattle my fabulous bil came to babysit my kids. Seriously- everyone should have an Uncle Jake... I mean SERIOUSLY.

While I was away I got an email containing this video. (Sorry I cannot post it directly to this site. I don't have the actual file so I can only direct you to the website he uploaded the video on)

DO look at it. I promise it is worth a gander. You can see Ted in all his glory walking his sister to school.

DON'T assume it is similar to the same video you have seen a million times by other bloggers.


wandering nana said...

Still makes me laugh. Uncle Jake is a fantastic Uncle... and so is his Auntie.

Emily said...


Hammy said...

Don't delete it. Take a little break. Or maybe print it off, but there is too much good stuff here to just delete it.

Cheri said...

Love the backpack and cowboy hat!

michelle said...

Awesome. And how fun to see what happens when Mom is away!