Friday, January 15, 2010

Don't you hate

**image found here
  • Don't you hate it when you don't get the joke? Last night Adam and I watched David Letterman. He was interviewing his heart surgeon. He's a really a nice guy. Dr. Isom is actually a friend of a friend, so when Adam interviewed at Cornell years ago he was really sweet and gave Adam an awesome special vip tour. During the interview Dr. Isom made some crack about orthopedist. Adam laughed rather heartily, to which I replied "I don't get why that is funny." His response "you would if you were a surgeon."
  • Don't you hate it when you find out something tragic about someone you know/knew? I came across a horrible news story the other night. One of the doctors I knew when I worked at Tulane was murdered in his house on Halloween and then his house was torched. Seriously he was the nicest guy. Although I haven't spoken to him since we left NOLA, it was still shocking and I I've been sad about it ever since.
  • Don't you hate it when April 15th rolls around? Well guess what, I now hate January 15, July 15, & October 15 too. We are paying quarterly taxes and I growl when I have to write those freaking checks.
  • Don't you hate it when people refuse to update their blogs regularly? I can say that. I'm the worst offender.
  • And last but not least- don't you hate it when the temperature fluctuates between freezing temperatures and 67? This is within a 2 day time period.
Yeah, me too.


Jill said...

I hate it when I don't get the joke. It doesn't happen very often (at least I don't think it does) but when it does I feel senile.

How horrible about the man you knew in NOLA; what a disturbing and terrible way to die.

I hate April 15th!! We should be paying quarterly taxes but don't have the money to do that so instead we end up paying all year long on an extension. It's ridiculous!

Extreme temperature fluctuations definitely do a number on me.

michelle said...

So very sad about the man in NOLA! That would definitely be upsetting.

Quarterly tax checks would not make me happy. At all.

Jordan said...

We were paying quarterly taxes at Duke. It was one of the MANY reasons we left. Taxes are crappy.

Heidi said...

Great to hear from you more regularly! Isn't that so sad about the plastic surgeon at Tulane? It's so sad. Did they ever find out why it happened? Kind of a strange set of circumstances. Taxes are sad too. At least quarterly taxes don't make it seem like you are writing out such a big check?

Ryan and Rikke said...

I've been terrible about checking blogs lately (and won't even mention how horrible I am about updating my own), but I was so glad to see your post. And I'm with you on the whole not getting the joke thing. I hate it. I'm never quite sure how to react, since I don't want to look like a complete idiot. Hate it.

That's horrible about the man from NOLA. Did they ever catch the person/people who did that to him?

And I'm with you on the temperature fluctuations - they're killing me. Just pick one and stick with it. My allergies can't handle it.

By the way, loved your 12x12 project. What inspired it?

karey m. said...

this cracked me up! don't you just hate posts should be spread around like wildfire!

loved this! xoxo.

Tasha said...

Don't you hate when it just stays freezing from November to March? Oh wait....
I love you anyway. It means I should just come visit!