Monday, February 15, 2010

12x12 Project: February 2010

1. biggest storm Dallas has seen since 1964. 12.5 inches at the airport
2. Lulu playing in the snow.
3. candy hearts
4.Lulu busting a move
5. Breakfast
6. Puzzles
7. No power for 24 hours
8. Building a snowman with friends
9. Baking strawberry cupcakes at Hammy's house
10. Email from the school notifying us that school was closed
11. Flowers waiting to be purchased at Central Market
12. Teddy tormenting Adam during quiet time

It was a crazy day to document. We were without power for about 24 hours and our cars were stuck in the garage. We finally took refuge at Hammy's house. It was nice and warm and the kids had a great time playing.

I am disappointed that I did not take a picture of me picking up my girlfriend from the airport that night. (Thankfully the Hammys lent me a car.) She flew in for a fun long weekend. oops.


wandering nana said...

Are you kidding? No pictures of you and Chelsea?

Heidi said...

loved it! i still can't get over the snow!!!

Jill said...

That's too bad that you lost power for 24 hours! But it looks like you guys had a great time.

Jen said...

I LOVE the 12x12--your pictures are fantastic!!

Tasha said...

I had no idea it would snow in Dallas at all! What a trip! I was bummed that it was a little chilly when we came in FEb, I had NOTHING to complain about! At least the company is always great around those parts!

Tasha said...

PS I got my Sarah Briggs Jewelry- THANK YOU you stinker!

michelle said...

24 hours is a long time to be without power! What a fun time to document, though -- I especially liked the email from the school. Ah, snow days. (We don't get any in Utah.)

TX Girl said...

Neither do we.. she has to give up one of her spring break days.

Hammy said...

So sad I didn't see you at all on today's 12th. Hope you got some good pictures that will force you to blog. :)