Friday, February 26, 2010


did i tell you? we just got back from california. or as adam calls it- the people's republic of california. he swears he will never move there unless he can be a bona fide american citizen. translation= he gets all the liberties of the constitution.. namely the "most important of all the amendments, the 2nd amendment". you know he's a gun nut, right? i was only half listening when he was explaining, but it had something to do with limitations on the kinds of guns you can own... whatever.

** she is going to be mad that I posted this one and only photo taken during the weekend.

but.. before we went to california my bestest friend came for a visit. we met on the first day of 7th grade. been friends ever since. there is nothing like a visit from a friend that knows all your stories. even your embarrassing ones.. like the time we laughed so hard outside of the AP history class during lunch time that once the bell rang the door opened and everyone gawked at the "ridiculously loud girls outside the door" or ate the same lunch with you every single day.. turkey sandwich with a diet and cookie. (how did we stay thin?) it was so comfortable. we shopped, ate, watched movies, and took adam along for a valentine's day dinner (he was a trooper).

i realized three things on this trip. 1. i am a terrible tour guide. must make better plans next time. 2. i'm scheduling a visit with a nutritionist 3. man i miss this girl...even though she thinks her grandmother was alive during the civil war.


Heidi said...

I missed you but we'll just have to catch each other when we're in Utah next time! Isn't that a crazy gun law? John's dad is a gun nut too and he has to consciously remember to not bring his gun in the car with him when he drives from Utah to California. He could get in BIGGO trouble!

wandering nana said...

You forgot to include and 4. Not send my mother an email that makes her JEALOUS. "}

Jordan said...

There is nothing NOTHING like a visit with an old friend.

Jill said...

I love laughing so hard like that and have such fond memories of doing that in high school. I am still close with my best friend from back then and am grateful, because we laugh like that every time we talk on the phone.

Tasha said...

Just when I think I can't possibly love Adam ANY more than I allready do-well, then, I do.

And, having friends like this, well, thats just about the best thing on the planet. You can get through anything in life with friends like this!

christie said...

So fun that Chelsea came to visit! I hope you guys had a great time!

amy gretchen said...

There is something so comforting about an old friend. Maybe it's cuz they know so much about you, but still love you. It's awesome you guys are still in touch. Glad it was a fun visit.

Adam cracks me up. I think he is something I would really like to meet.

shawna b. said...

LOVED seeing you! What a treat to run into you ... Disneyland, always bringing people together. Let's do that again, o.k.? Next time, lunch in Utah?

Hammy said...

Not sure if you noticed but it is April now. Time for an update.