Saturday, March 13, 2010

12x12 Project: March 2010

I forgot it was March 12 until half way through the day, so I ended up taking pictures on the 13th. oops.

1. Morning trip to the park
2. We painted our old neighbors abandoned backyard furniture from yellow to blue to give it a little spice.
3. The swings are always a must when we go to the park.
4. I got daffodils at the grocery for $.99 a bunch. I love springtime.
5. My girlfriend and I snuck out for a minute to the Dallas Flea Market. I'll forgo telling you the details, but next time.. bring cash and I must get a better ATM map.
6. We stopped at our favorite mom and pop doughnut shop on our way to the park.
7. Lulu having a little donut snack.
8. We misjudged our spray paint needs and had to make 3 trips.
9. Adam did the furniture spray painting.
10. Even Adam likes the swing.
11. Which color to pick... the winner was blue.
12. We hada little date that night and saw "An Education." I personally think it is a must see for anyone raising a daughter.


michelle said...

How did I miss this one?

I am continually amazed by the transformative powers of spray paint.

I want to go to the flea market!

Jill said...

How glorious to find daffodils for .99 cents a bunch!!