Sunday, April 25, 2010

George W Bush

I caught your attention, didn't I?

Last week Adam and I had tickets to hear W and Laura speak, albeit somewhat briefly, as they accepted an award at SMU for their distinguished public service. A couple of years ago Tony Blair was also given the same award and we were privileged to go to the same "award ceremony" and hear a few of his anecdotes during his years as Prime Minister. As many of you know I'm not a big Bush supporter, but I am also not one to box myself into one ideology and love the idea of having a well rounded, open view. I might not agree and may never change to the opposing way of thinking, but I'm all about taking every opportunity presented to you. So, when the opportunity came up for us to buy tickets through our regular lecture series I was all over it.

Overall I was HIGHLY disappointed. It was way too short. Laura was like a crazy cardboard version of herself, but with a moving mouth. I enjoyed her discussion about the things they had planned for the George W. Bush Library and the policies they are specifically excited about, but she wasn't engaging.

W. He was the goofy guy that he always seems to be, but it was somewhat endearing. He shared a couple of funny moments of life outside the White House (his wife believes his new Domestic Policy is washing dishes), but he spoke rather briefly and was less anecdotal than Tony Blair. I wonder if that was part of the problem, because I went in with HIGH expectations. I think the whole thing lasted just over 38 minutes AND a portion of that was introductions and whatnot for the Tower Center, which is the organization that gives out the award.

Maybe I've become too pampered because of all the other lectures we have seen over the years. I'm still glad we went.


Natasha said...

I am definitely NOT a Bush fan but I think I would have at least gone to go.

Unknown said...

you would think Laura Bush would try to be more engaging and enchanting so she could better *pimp* her new book.


Oh, and HI, I'm Anna.

Tasha said...

I would have been all over that too, even though you know how I feel about Bushie!

Too bad it was disappointing.

BTW, have you seen the movie W

Its an interesting look into his journey.

Bond Girl 007 said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day..Hope you had a wonderful one! How is your darling and beautiful teddy and that sweety lulu....I think your kids are adorable......hope you are doing well health wise and every other area.