Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School

Like most kids, Lulu started school this week. Ted will start within the next couple of weeks. To help start the school year on the right foot, we had our back to school dinner (ala NieNie). I love this tradition and kick myself for not thinking of it.

Steamed zucchini
Martinelli's Sparkling Cider

I thought it would be fun to spruce up the table with traditional school items. Lulu said it was the best party ever.

School is viewed, quite often, as this arduous task. It seems to me that as kids age, they are less inclined to enjoy the daily rigors of attending school, completing homework, tests, etc.. It doesn't help that it comes immediately after a long summer of play dates, pool parties, travels, and (at least for us) total time/schedule abandonment.

I like the idea of celebrating the beginning of school on such a positive note. Even though it means we aren't as free, it is so much more rewarding than sleeping a little too late or having nothing but lazy days. I often think about how summertime is this delicious treat after a long year of hard work. It has its perks, but by the end of it, I'm craving order.


Hammy said...

Love the table. (Are those chopsticks?) Cute little 1st graders.

wandering nana said...

Very cute idea. I loved the video but got a little seaick in parts. Can't believe how big she is getting. How many days is Teddy going to do?

Emily said...

glad to see that your back at blogspot.com. love the table/dinner that you had.

michelle said...

1. Love your back to school dinner. I totally need to do that.

2. How in the world can Ted be old enough to go to school??

3. I had NO idea you were going through chemo. My word, lady. I love that you could think of things you would miss about chemo treatments. (Alone time would top my list.)

Jill said...

I always enjoy the return of order even when I think I'm sad to see the summer come to an end. I tend to think of the school year as our "real life" so I enjoy it.