Friday, August 27, 2010

So long SUCKER!

Things I won't miss about chemo:

1. the metallic taste in my mouth

2. "pity" stares when i register for my infusions

3. queasiness that is only thwarted by round the clock doses of zofran

4. IVs

5. low blood counts that lead to self imposed isolation until they return to a safe range

Things I'll miss:

1. 5 hours of uninterrupted reading time. i made a goal of not watching any tv/movies while i was having my treatments, which meant i was either reading or sleeping most of the time. sometimes i'd play words with friends or listen to music.

2. awesome nurses that are supportive and do everything they can to make sure your experience is as pleasant as possible

3. a "get out of doing anything card" for the 48 hours afterward because of the queasiness issue

4. the time i got to myself. sure there were always other patients around, but everyone keeps to themselves and does their own thing.

at the end of it, i sit here making this silly little list, knowing that i am incredibly blessed. i know that many of the other people i saw had a much harder and longer road ahead of them. i can only hope for the best for them.

i also have hope that this really is the end of this portion of my treatment regimen and that it was effective. time will tell. regardless, i can't help but feeling awfully lucky.