Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Have You Seen Me?

Bear Bear 2004-2010

It is the end of an era. Bear bear has disappeared and after several days of searching (and I'm talking serious searching) she has been officially declared lost. I mean really. truly. not gonna find her. sweet mother where did she go. LOST. with a capital L.O.S.T. To say that my sweet Lulu is sad would be a gross misrepresentation of the level of heartache the poor bebe is feeling. The first day she was fine.. "don't worry mom, we will find her tomorrow." But, the next day she was a bit more panicked "mom, I've looked everywhere for her," and the first of many tears surfaced. Today she was inconsolable. Nothing could temper the tears and they have been flowing for most of the day. I think she assumed that since we have found her after being misplaced several times before, that this would be the same. Sadly, there is little hope of finding her.

It breaks my heart. Especially since she has faithfully carried her for years. There are only a few times during the day that she isn't without her. Last week she was asked to fill a sack with 5 things that represented her. She picked: ballet slippers, nail polish, a littlest pet shop, a picture of her family, and a picture of bear bear. We were going to actually put in bear bear, but she was uncomfortable with the possibility that she would have to leave the sack and all its contents in the classroom overnight. Instead we snapped a cute little Polaroid.

I thought I would look and maybe see if I could find a replacement, but evidently bear bear has been "retired" and is fetching quite a price on ebay. Damn.

**are you thinking "man.. didn't this exact same thing happen before?" you can read about it here. Sadly, I don't think we are going to be as lucky this time.


Ashley Thalman said...

I remember bear bear! I am so sorry!

michelle said...

Oh that is so sad! I'm glad you have that photo, though, that is priceless.

If it's any consolation, I doubt the replacement bear would be the same to her anyway.

skbkmjfamily said...

Poor Lulu, and poor mom. It is hard when things like that disappear.

Melanie said...

Glad you are posting again. You actually will not believe what I found when I was cleaning out Villette's baby toys...drum roll. I think I found one of Lulu's bears. She must have left it at our house in Dallas.

Do you want me to mail it to you?

wandering nana said...

Okay....this made me cry. I hope you can find one.

Jill said...

Oh, what a sad way to end an era.