Friday, October 15, 2010

My hairdresser thinks I'm old

okay maybe this isn't the best picture since I do look old

I swear if my hairdresser implies I'm old one more time.. I'm going to stab him with his scissors.

Here are a few examples.

when comparing our dining experience at a local restaurant:

him: "maybe it is because I was with a younger crowd, but I wasn't impressed with the music scene."

when discussing his motorcycle riding:

me: "just make sure you don't do anything stupid"
him: "yes ma'am" (which I'll admit I slightly deserved for my motherly tone, but really ma'am)

when discussing music:

him: "what do people in your age group listen to?"
me: "the same thing as your age group, you jackass."

Did I tell you that he is 29 and I'm 35?


christie said...

Ohhhh I hate getting called maam. I am not sure when it changed from "miss" to what my mother gets called, but I really really really hate it. Did I mention that I really hate it?

Mitchell Family said...

I feel the same way about my hair dresser--and I think our age differences are about the same. She's 30 and I'm 36. And I'm afraid she gives me an old lady cut because she thinks I'm so old. I think she thinks I'm so old because I have 4 kids.

Jill said...

How funny! What is up with him talking to you like you're an old lady? Not cool.

Luckily my hair dresser is about 20 years older than me, so she never says things that make me feel old except for, "Oh my, this IS a lot of gray!"

wandering nana said...

Where is the girl that use to do your hair? Did you really call him a "dumb ass"? BTW, I like your hair.

Heidi said...

Cute hair, though!!! I'm feeling it too...the age thing...

Jordan said...

Whatevs. Old Shmold. You do resemble a certain sexy female monster woman from GhostBusters though. You can join my club.

cathy said...

you're hilarious!