Saturday, September 18, 2010

Going Home: Day Two

Ted had a hard time keeping his head in the street car. Clearly he couldn't read this:

These two loved the street car ride. They were impressed I rode it the entire first year we lived in NOLA, because we didn't have a car.

Our church building right on St. Charles.

"Mmmm Cafe Du Monde. More powdered sugar please!"

We went to the insectarium. It was AWESOME. I especially loved this display.

This is inside the Zen garden. They have a large number of butterflies. Lulu was v. patient waiting for a butterfly to land on her. After waiting for about 15 minutes the nice entomologist picked one up for her and put it on her arm.

"I ate a bug."

Later that night we got a sitter for the kids and headed out to another favorite restaurant with Phil and Marcelle. I was mildly horrified when I found out how much a babysitter cost in New Orleans. Yikes.

It was a great day except for the heated words exchanged at the streetcar stop when herds of people jumped in front of us and didn't recognize that it might NOT be polite to butt in front of the two woman traveling with two strollers and three small kids that waited at the stop for over 20 minutes at the front of the line. Stupid tourist.


Melanie said...

Loved all the pics...I can't believe how big the trees are in front of the chapel...WOW! Did you see the article in the Ensign about the Branch. It was fun to read. So glad you had a good time. I am dying to go back.

Tasha said...

Oh I'm jealous! After NC and Dallas, it has to be NOLA, don't you think?
Love you@

Heidi said...

Wow! You're back online! I almost took you off my blogroll :D Thank you for all of your updates. I've missed hearing from you. You've had quite the summer! You are one tough cookie. Hugs!

shawna b. said...

Home sweet southern home ... your pictures made me miss my city. That idiot tourist really should know better than to mess with you. Cutting in line? Lame. Where are people's manners these days?

Glad you had such a great time! I have always loved the church on St. Charles. It's so sad to think that our building on Academy Drive is no longer there.

Lara, I think I'm homesick!

Bond Girl 007 said...

ohhh I love lulu's blue ribon, and those blue blue blue the little one! NOLA....specially the food!