Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ted's Party: The Activities

I had pretty grand ideas. Again, most of them came from here or here. One of them was to build a bull for the kids to rope. Adam thought I was nuts, but he still was willing to do what I asked. Thankfully a friend had a jig saw for us to use. (Although we had to buy a replacement in the end because theirs died.) I think we are going to try and stain him.

1. Paint long horn magnet
2. Bull Ropin
3. Instruction on how to act like a cowboy.
  • How to dress like a cowboy (kids given hat and handkerchief)
  • How to talk like a cowboy (Adam scared them with his Yee Haw)
  • How to walk like a cowboy (this was HILARIOUS)
4. Shooting
5. Pin the tail on the donkey (couldn't find a horse)

This one is Lulu's.

Adam told the kids that once they roped the bull they had to take their had off, hit their leg and yell Yee Haw.

I love how Lulu is kicking up her leg. She was an awesome assistant.

The kids had to practice shooting, so they shot at Diet Coke cans with the Nerf gun.

Here would be the photo of "pin the tail on the donkey". Oops.

Finally everyone participated in blowing out the candles.

Family portrait


Tiffany said...

What a riot! I love the theme! I didn't think your kids could get any cuter...but they did! I hope you are feeling well you look marvelous!!

Hammy said...

Why do my kids have such lame parents and even lamer birthday parties?

Emily said...

The bull is so darling! Much better than I could have imagined it! Seriously over the top.

Jill said...

You guys went all out, everything looks great!

Mitchell Family said...

Loved everything about this. I love how Adam always goes along with your hair-brained plans and they always turn out great. Miss you guys.