Monday, January 19, 2009

A Conversation with my Husband

**this in no way is meant to degrade or provide commentary on my husband and his listening skills.

Husband: "I need to find some medical students that would be interested in working with me on a project."
Wife: "What would they need to do?"
Husband: "review 500 medical charts for various things relating to an appendectomy."
Wife: "why don't I just do it?"
Husband: "review medical chart?" "have you ever done it before?"
Wife: "you are kidding me?"
Husband: "No."
Wife: "what do you think I do at work?" "do you actually listen to me when I talk about work?"
Husband: " YES!" "You look at research charts." "You review medical charts too?" "I just assumed when you said charts you meant research, not medical (for all those non-medical people.. there is a very big difference. About a gazillion pages worth.)
Wife: "for at least the last 8 years."
Husband: "oh.. I didn't know that."
Wife: "seriously?"

Obviously the conversation continued, but I did learn two important facts.

Point of the story: Clearly my husband has NO IDEA what I do for a living.

Moral of the story: Just because you have been married for nearly 11 years, doesn't mean you know EVERYTHING about your spouse (although I'm still a little shocked by this one.)


Amy said...

Over the weekend, I mentioned to my husband that my friend Julie is pregnant. His question is, "Who's Julie?" Let me tell you. . .Julie is the friend that I do the most with. Our daughters are best friends. We have been great friends for almost 2 years. Who's Julie, indeed! Lesson: unless you send it to them in an email, it's like it doesn't exist!

Jill said...

How funny! It's good to know these type of conversations go on with other people because I sometimes wonder if Randy and I are the only ones.

wandering nana said...

AAA HIPA.... Dr., I can't believe you didn't use the HIPPA card. She would have never known you didn't know what she does.... Remember HIPA

Jordan said...

I know. Seriously.

TX Girl said...

hello- wandering nana, I'm not telling him patient information, but he should at least know I review charts.

SpyderDoc said...

This post is a complete fabrication and does not reflect the conversation we had in the slightest. I continue to put forth that I am the ideal husband in every way including understanding my wife's vocation as well as excelling in the listening arena.

Jack Phillips said...

Well you can bet my wife has no idea what I do... in fact most people have no idea what I do.

SpyderDoc said...

i know what you do. You;re a rockband maniac!


Cheri said...

Haha, Chris claims not to be responsible for anything I tell him after 10 pm. This has saved him on many occasions.

michelle said...

HA! I thought perhaps we were the only ones as well...